
Fat Loss Tip #7- How's Your BM's?

Happy Sunday!

Last night, I had a great time in the city with my wife, Chris. If you haven’t been to Millennium, here is the website: http://www.millenniumrestaurant.com

Millennium is a gourmet vegan restaurant, so no animal products on my b-day. I was stuffed, but felt great with the amazing flavors of the unique dishes. I used to believe that I had to have animal proteins in every meal to truly get satisfied and to be my best. After my 10 Day Vegetarian Detox experience, I now do a vegetarian day once a week, but I do have to make sure that I get plenty of good fats- avocado and sprouted raw nuts are ideal.

I have recently cut out beef and lamb from my diet because I noticed that I do not digest them as well as other animal proteins. This is not to say I will never eat them again but right now, I am enjoying good elimination and seeing my abs 🙂 TMI for some people, however, frequent bowel elimination is one of the most important variables for fat loss and health and it is Fat Loss Tip #7.

If you are having trouble with elimination, you will not be lean and healthy. Optimal bowel elimination is 2-3 bowel movements per day. Most people have one or no bowel movements per day, so that is believed to be normal. Normal is not good anymore. Over 60% of the population is overweight, so that is also normal.

Here are some other things about BM’s that people typically do not talk about:

· Your stool should have diameter equal to half of your wrists’ width.

· The stool should neither be too hard to pass nor too long & stringy.

· Soft and watery stools are not normal.

· Normal stool is medium brown colored. It must not be maroon, yellow or grey, though it may contain certain colors of the food items that you consumed recently.

· It should  not have a foul smell if the waste product is the result of food items taken within 24 hours.

Here are some digestive tips to help with bowel movement efficiency:

1.    Look into the colonics- Olga at Biotherapy is great: http://www.biotherapy-clinic.com/index.html
2.    Wind down in the evenings- avoid TV, computer and bright lights. Ideally do some meditation work/reading/bath/easy yoga, etc. More on this in future emails.
3.    Eat slow and chew your foods to a liquid before swallowing- a meditation in itself.
4.    Eat every 2-4 hours max- never go hungry or full.
5.    Take hydrochloric acid supplements (HCL) with animal protein meals-increase as needed up to 6 per meal. I will go into more details later.
6.    Other supplements to consider-fish oils & probiotics (Key)
7.    Keep exercise conversational to avoid over-exertion.
8.    Eat as much live raw food as possible- minimize cooked food.
9.    Drink a glass of water with lemon juice 2x daily- add 1/2 tsp raw, apple cider vinegar.
10.    Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day- mineral, distilled, spring or purified, but limit with meals.
11.    Try fermented foods- raw brags, apple cider vinegar, miso, sauerkraut, kombucha.
12.    Consume high fiber fruits, vegetables & beans: raspberries, apples, pears, strawberries, raw cocoa, split peas, lentils, baked beans, lima beans, artichoke, peas, broccoli, and more. Be weary of physillium products.
13.    Be careful of animal proteins given they are harder to digest- focus on chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, instead of beef.
14.    Eat as much raw garlic & ginger as you want- try ginger tea,  start with ¼ tsp. of ginger and increase to 1 tsp. of shredded ginger per cup of boiling water
15.    Peppermint is good for gut health also. Chamomile tea is also very effective for relaxing the gut-drink after 5 pm.
16.    Eat low glycemic fruits alone or with avocado, nut butter and coconut (avoid fruits with most other foods). Nuts and cheese are harder to digest for many, but good for combining with fruit for blood sugar balance.
17. Consume lots of colorful veggies throughout the day.
18. Gluten and all grains & dairy products tend to be difficult to digest.

This is an experimental process that never ends. If you are eliminating 2-3 per day,  you have most likely found the right foods for optimal elimination and fat loss.

Many people wonder and ask how I can live with a so called “restricted diet.” I do not feel restricted because I have learned how to make the foods I do eat taste  good. Although, I rarely consume gluten, grains, sugar, alcohol and dairy, I eat just about everything else. If you enjoy cooking and combine the right ingredients,  you can even make cardboard taste amazing 🙂

Check out the dessert we had last night:

Chocolate Almond Midnight:
Ingredients- almond cashew crust, mocha chocolate filling, raspberry sauce, white chocolate mousse

Wow! This was one of the best desserts I have ever eaten and no flour or dairy. You would never have known this was actually healthy!

If you are interested in learning more about raw foods cooking and a healthy vegetarian lifestyle model of cooking, check out the Cafe Gratitude menu:http://cafegratitude.com/menu Copy some of their ideas at home or get one of their cookbooks: http://www.cafegratitudestore.com/rawforebo.html

Your friend & coach,


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