5/20 Fat Loss Strength Challenge Day – Total Body Workout: Deadlifts. TRX Jack Knife, Pull-Ups, Matt Push, One Leg Squat, Battle Ropes
1. Squats: 10
2. One Leg Squats: 5 Each
3. Single Leg Deadlift: 5 Each
4. Jumping Jacks: 10
5. Mountain Climbers – 10 reps total
6. Combo Crunch: 10 Each Side
7. Jog: 5 Min
WOD: Perform the following exercises as fast as possible for 25 minutes. Count number of rounds.
Strength 8- The goal of this workout is to test your strength. Load the weight as much as you can tolerate for 8 reps with good form.
1. Plate Floor Press-8 *Lock shoulders back & down *Add the weight and make it tough for 8
2. Matt Low Push-8 Steps Each*Stay as low as possible – Butt down *Arms Straight-Elbows to ears *Like a truck push
3. Neutral Grip Pull-Ups-8
4. Plate/Band Single Leg Deadlift- 8 each *Plate in opp. arm as working leg
5. TRX Jack Knife-8 *Stay Tight
6. One Leg Box Squat-8 each*Get as low as possible with box
7. Battle Rope Single Leg Jumping Jacks-8 Each Side *Get low into squat *Like a jumping jack with 1 leg
8. Combo Crunch-8 Each Side *Touch foot with hands as you bend knee *Alt. Each Side *Keep Chin Tucked
How many rounds did you do?
Cool down & stretch (5-10 minutes)
NEW Burlingame Fit Boot Camp @ 10 am starting May 16th: 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Grand Opening Promotion
In Health, Fitness & Vitality,
Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach
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