
FBBC and Burlingame Fit Total Body Fat Loss Workout of the Day 3/21/11: Battle Ropes, Rows, TRX, Lunges, Jumps, Climb, Good Mornings, Deadlifts, Push-Ups

3/21 Total Body Fat Loss Workout of the Day: Battle Ropes, Rows, TRX, Lunges, Jumps, Climb, Good Mornings, Deadlifts, Push-Ups

Preparation: Perform the following exercises to prepare for the wod  in a group for 30s: 

1. Walking Lunges with Arm Raise

2. Spiderman with Push-Up

3. Single Leg Deadlift Touch

4. Jog with Squat Down

4. Forward-Backwards Jog

5. High Knee Run

6. High Knee Skips

7. Lateral Shuffle

8. Carioca

WOD: Perform 3 sets of the following exercises for 1 min in a circuit with 15-20s rest:

1. Alternating Rope Climb *Take turns climbing the rope

2. Plate Wide Good Mornings

3. Beam Push-Ups (30s)–>Dips on Beam (30s)

4. Battle Ropes: Forward Lunge with Opp. Arm Overhand Grip Wave (30s Each Side)

5. Tubing Wide Rows with Back Extension

6. Squats (30s)–TRX Squat Jumps (30s)

7. Partner Mirror Drill (30s each as the leader)

If you can’t see the video above go to: SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp BLOG

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NEW Burlingame Fit Boot Camp Grand Opening March 2nd: 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Grand Opening Promotion

In Health, Fitness & Vitality,


Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach


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