
FBBC Fat Loss Challenge Day – Total Body Workout 2/11/11

Fat Loss Challenge Day Total Body Workout 2/11: Squats, TRX, Lunges, Burpees, Run  (Repeat of 12/17)

Warm-Up (5-10 min) 

Challenge: Have each camper complete this circuit in the best time possible. You may have to modify distance for inexperienced runners. If part of the group finishes early, use the Go-To exercises such as plank.

  1. ¼ Mile Run (2 laps at SMGC)
  2. 5- 1 Leg Floppee Burpees (5 on each side- 10 total)
  3. ¼ Mile Run (2 laps at SMGC)
  4. 10-1 Leg Box Squats (10 on each side- 20 total)
  5. ¼ Mile Run (2 laps at SMGC)
  6. 10-1 TRX Arm Rows with Rotation (10 on each side- 20 total)
  7. ¼ Mile Run (2 laps at SMGC)
  8. 15 Backwards Sprinter Lunges (15 on each side- 30 total)

3 minutes Rest

Repeat Above

Perform the following exercises in a circuit as a Group: 2-3 sets for 1 minute

1. Vertical scissors

2. Bridges with Toes Up

3. Jack Knife Crunch (30s each side)

4. Superman Hold (arms to sides)

5. Fire Hydrants (30s each side)

6. Donkey Kicks (30s each side)

30-60 sec rest

Cool Down & Stretch (5-10 min)

Please post your time of the workout in the comment section below so we can see how you did.

Join my small group of beta testers and get fast fat loss results in 14 days: 14 Day Reset Program

In Health, Fitness & Vitality,


Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach


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