
FBBC Fat Loss Challenge Day' Total Body Workout 3/4/11: Run, Burpees, Squats, Run, Battle Ropes

FBBC Fat Loss Challenge Day’ Total Body Workout 3/4: Run, Burpees, Squats, Run, Battle RopesPreparation:1. Squats: 10

2. Squat Jumps: 5 *Start and end with arm over head *If knee pain just go onto toes

3. Burpeess with Push-Up: 3 *Avoid Push-Up for those with pain in shoulders/neck or posture issues 

4. Sit Up Ab Cross-High Five: 5 Each Side

5. Cobra: 10 *Thumbs externally rotated *Squeeze shoulder blades

6. Walk/Jog/Sprint: 2 Laps *Mix in lateral movements

Perform the following exercises with a partner for 3 rounds as fast as possible with good form. You can mix up the order as needed/desired as you choose.

1. In Out Burpees with Push-Up: 15 *Avoid Push-Up for those with pain in shoulders/neck or posture issues

2. Battle Rope Pull & Rotate with Partner Resistance: 15 each arm *Partner Provides Resistance

3. Walk/Jog/Sprint: 2 Laps

4. Box/Matt Jump: 10 *Modify with Step Ups *Start and end with arm over head

5. Partner Sit Up Ab Cross-High Five:15 Each*Right Hand Left Hand

6. 5-yard Lateral Cone Touch: 15 Total Cone Touches *Stay Low (Used Rings in Video)

7. Back Extension with Ball: 15 *Thumbs externally rotated *Squeeze shoulder blades

Cool down & stretch (5-10 minutes)

Please post your time of the workout in the comment section below so we can see how you did.

If you can’t see the video above go to: SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp BLOG

Please add your comments below on the workout.

NEW Burlingame Fit Boot Camp Grand Opening March 2nd: 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Grand Opening Promotion

In Health, Fitness & Vitality,


Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach


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