
FBBC Total Body Tabata Fat Loss Workout 3/2/11: Sandbags, Squats, Rows, Push-Ups, TRX, Sprinters Lunge, Abs

3/2 Total Body Tabata Fat Loss Workout: Sandbags, Squats, Rows, Push-Ups, TRX, Sprinters Lunge, Abs


  1. Single Leg Toe Touch Crunch: 5 Each Side
  2. Push-Ups: 10
  3. Plank Push-Up Side Jump: 5 Each Side
  4. Backwards Sprinter Lunge with Knee Drive: 10 Each Side
  5. Squats: 15
  6. High Knee Run: 15s

TABATA: Perform each exercise for 20s with 10 s rest for 6 sets total, one after the other

  1. Plate/Sandbag Handle Squat *AKA Jefferson Squat
  2. Seated Band Row with Back Extension *Lengthened Spine * Flat Back *Squeeze Shoulder Blades
  3. High Knee Run with Jump Rope *Land on ball of feet toes up
  4. Beam Plank Push-Ups with Side Jumps) *Keep Plank-stay tight*Try to bring feet to right and left hands after each push-up *Modify with knees to ground *Butt tight
  5. TRX Biceps (4 Sets) & TRX Triceps (4 Sets)
  6. Backwards Sprinter Lunge with Knee Drive (4 each side) *Opp arm & leg *Bend forward with back flat
  7. Single Leg Toe Touch Crunch *Alt Leg *Tongue on roof of mouth *Touch both hands to foot

If you can’t see the video above go to: SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot CampBLOG

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NEW Burlingame Fit Boot Camp Grand Opening March 2nd: 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Grand Opening Promotion

In Health, Fitness & Vitality,


Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach


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