
Foodie Fitness (Almond Butter!)

Homemade Almond Butter (AVOID Pasteurized Almonds)

A spoonful of homemade almond butter on banana is a fantastic snack. It’s also delicious added to a protein shake or slathered on sliced apples.

However, almonds are low on my recommended food list given they often show up on food allergy, sensitivity, reactivity or intolerance testing and create digestive issues for many.

I believe these problems with almonds are related to the fact that all almonds in California and really around the country are pasteurized.

The only place you can find unpasteurized almonds is at a farmers market. For more on pasteurized almonds go here: Almonds

By blending your own almond butter at home you’re enjoying pure, unadulterated almonds and salt without the denaturing, added sugars and preservatives found in store bought brands. Enjoy!

What you need

Servings: 20

3 cups raw, unpasteurized unsalted almonds
¼ teaspoon pink Himalayan salt
1 Tablespoon coconut oil


  1. Blend all of the ingredients in a food processor until creamy. This can take up to 10 minutes, so when it doubt continue to blend, blend, blend. Enjoy!

One serving equals: 109 calories, 10g fat, 3g carbohydrate, 28mg sodium, 1g sugar, 2g fiber, and 4g protein.

*I highly recommend avoiding almond meal and anything else with almonds if it comes from pasteurized almonds also. Almond milk is fine 🙂

More of my recommended recipes can be found here>>> Recipes

We are adding more recipes daily.

I hope that you get a chance to give this recipe a try soon.

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Telephone: 650-654-4604

About Brien


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