
hey, what the heck are you wating for?

One of my mentors is Bedros Keuilian. Bedros wrote the blog
below and it is worth the read if you are looking for some

“Over the long weekend something amazing happened…
a 64 year old women by the name of Diana Nyad swam
the 110 miles from Cuba to Florida.

She was the first person to do this without a shark cage,
or any other source of protection from the elements.
110 miles in 53 hours… after having failed at it three
times over the span of 35 years.

Despite being stung by hundreds of jelly fish, hungry,
sleep deprived, and disoriented Diana Nyad walked onto
the shore in Florida and said; I have three messages…

  1. “One is we should never, ever give up
  2. Two is you never are too old to chase your dreams
  3. Three is it looks like a solitary sport, but it takes a team.”

Kind of puts things into perspective doesn’t it?

I mean here’s a 64 year old women who at the prime
of her life failed to swim from Cuba to Florida three times.

But she never gave up.

She kept chasing her dream.

And she trusted on her team of 35 people to get her

Often times we’re our biggest enemies when it comes
getting what we want out of life.

The negative self talk that takes place in your head
has probably stopped you from accomplishing so many
of your dreams.

Maybe that dream that you gave up on was financial or
business related.

Or maybe it was personal, spiritual, or romantic.

Whatever it was, it’s still there waiting for you.

See, you may think that you’ve lost the opportunity,
or that you’re too old now, or that you might be out
of practice, or maybe the timing is just not right.

Let me just remind you that a 64 year old women
swam the 110 mile shark and jelly fish infested waters
from Cuba to Florida in 53 hours after having failed
at it three times before.

So what are YOU waiting for?

Whatever it is that you want to accomplish is still there
and ready for you…

…it’s just waiting for you to get out there and take it.

But you can’t do it if you’re just sitting in the stands
watching the game go by.

You’ve gotta get out of the stands, get onto the field
and play the game.

Sure you might take some hits, fall a few times,
an even bleed a little… or a lot – I’ve done both.

But I can tell you from first hand experience that
your odds of getting what you want out of life
significantly increase when you get out of the
stands and onto the field.

And I can also tell you that the level of personal
satisfaction you’ll feel is the greatest achievement over
whatever it is that you want to accomplish.

I believe in YOU.

Diana Nyad drove the message home loud and clear
this weekend…


I hope that you know that I’m on your team and ready
to help you get there.”

Great message for our first day back to the grind in September.

Let me know if you need anything. Many times all you need to do is ask for help.

Let’s make it a great month!

Your friend & coach,


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