
How to make 2021 great (buh-bye 2020!)

If you spend any time at all on social media, you’ve seen at least one meme describing how scary, chaotic, or awful 2020 has been.

And yes, it absolutely has been a year for the history books. 

That being said, among the many lessons of 2020, it has brought to the forefront two very important things:

#1. What TRULY matters in our life. 

#2. The basics and fundamentals are EVERYTHING.

Our health and the people we care about became front and center this year. 

Pair that up with how we’re spending our time, what we’re CHOOSING to focus on, and our personal daily habits …

and it all adds up to determine the quality of our lives. 

Talk about clarity, right? What a powerful lesson to bring us into 2021!

This leads me to some eye-opening questions I have for you (questions that I have been asking myself the past several weeks) …

How can you double-down on your basics to make 2021 the best year possible?

What do you REALLY want … and what steps can you take to make them happen?

Is it improving your health to reduce your risk of illness, finally losing those extra inches around your waist, having the energy to play with your kids (or grandkids), finding simple solutions for healthy meals, getting strong and fitter to enjoy your hobbies and outdoor activities? 

When you lean into your basics, it’s like giving yourself instant permission to live your best life. It’s incredibly liberating!

What those basics look like will be different for each of us. 

For me, I’m personally focusing on: 

  1. Creating space and pausing life to consciously breathe, pray, meditate, and practice gratitude.
  2. Spending more time in nature- walking, hiking, running, cycling, paddle boarding, and kayaking.
  3. Spending quality time with my wife, kids, and friends.

Your basics might be different. What will YOUR priorities be?

If you’re ready to start fresh and make 2021 an incredible year, I’m here to help you come up with a plan that fits YOU, YOUR LIFE, and YOUR GOALS.

We are taking on 5 new coaching clients on Monday, January 4th for the New Years’ 21 Day or 12-week Virtual Transformation Challenge. If you have been trying to get healthy and fit on your own and you are now ready to allow us to help you, we are ready to coach you to success.

Contact us to set up a strategy session for our new personalized coaching program here: https://www.iamapriority.com/

Let’s make 2021 a year for the record books (in a completely different way!).

Have a great final week of 2020!

Coach Brien Shamp