
How To Prepare Your Food To Get The Most Benefit with Dr. Heidi Dulay

Each Tuesday I do a Nutrition Coaching Call for my clients with Dr. Heidi Dulay or a special guest. We have some outstanding sessions, but last Tuesday, April 19, 2016 was one of our better ones.

I highly recommend listening to this FREE Coaching call – “How To Prepare Your Food To Get The Most Benefit”

Whether you are gluten free, dairy free, soy free, sugar free, paleo, vegan, vegetarian, limiting fructose etc. you may still not be getting the most benefit from the foods you are eating.

The big take away for me was that cooked food is MORE nutritious than raw.

We discussed foods to avoid if you suffer from thyroid issues, the best oils to use for cooking, the temperatures that are best for cooking and more.

Dr. Heidi and I are considering doing a weekly podcast. Would you be interested in listening? What topics would you like us to address? Any suggestions for the podcast?

Here is the background on Dr. Heidi:

Dr Heidi Dulay has been a clinical nutritionist for twenty years, specializing in weight loss, intermittent fasting and personalized nutrition. She was Adjunct Professor of Health Education at John F Kennedy University for ten years and is Nutrition Chair for the California Health Medical Reserve Corps. She earned her doctorate at Harvard University in human development, and a masters in science at Stanford. She is currently working on an iPhone app for healing herb blends and is writing Eating 911, a book that answers the question many have asked her over the years: “What should I eat?”

Besides her education she has also been in the trenches working on herself. She was a vegan, raw foodist and then switched to more of a paleo/intermittent fasting dietary program. She is even a cancer survivor.

She is also 72 years old and full of energy!

I look forward to my weekly calls with Dr. Heidi and hope you can listen to us soon on our podcast.

FeastPeace, our NEW Organic meal delivery service has been outstanding. They now deliver all to your home or work. If you don’t want to make the time to cook or if you are confused on what makes a healthy meal give FeastPeace a try for just a week. You can now order your meals 24 hours in advance.

For more information and to order >>> FeastPeace Organic Meal Delivery

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