
Is it Possible?

Hey there,

Today, one of my clients sent me an email requesting ideas for a healthy Super Bowl Party.

I told her no way, as it is impossible to avoid hot dogs, nachos, chips, pizza, hamburgers, cookies, etc.

Kidding 🙂

Yes, you can be healthy at a Super Bowl Party and even have enough energy to start our new 42 Day Transformation Challenge​ the next day 🙂

I was going to send my client back some ideas, but I thought I would share my recommendations to all of you also.

20 Tips to Fighting the Super Bowl Bulge:

  1. Start Strong: eat a healthy breakfast. If you don’t, you will tend to overeat the rest of the day. Do your best to get in a workout first thing!
  2. Curb your appetite. Eat every 2‐3 hours and always make sure you combine a protein & fat with your meal. Try eating your protein first as it has been proven to be an appetite suppressant. If you need assistance on the best proteins, fats, & carbohydrates for you, be sure to contact me.
  3. Slow down. Eat slower & taste your food. Give your mind time to send the message to you that you’re satisfied. Chew, chew, chew!
  4. Pick healthier foods for your party: organic vegetables & fruit and other healthy choices such as hormone‐free and anti‐biotic free animal proteins, gluten free grains, beans, good quality oils, nuts and seeds.
  5. Add more vegetables. Make half of your plate filled with low calorie, low sugar vegetables (good carbs).
  6. Don’t go anywhere hungry. Try to arrive at any Super Bowl parties having already eaten something healthy. That way you won’t be too prone to digging into high‐calorie low quality party foods.
  7. Portion control. Pay attention to how much you put on your plate. Use smaller plates. Moderation is one of the most important elements in weight control. If you feel you have eaten enough, but food is all around you, have a mint or piece of gum.
  8. Water over alcohol. Drinking water in place of alcohol will keep you hydrated and keep your energy level high. It will also help to avoid tacking on unnecessary calories. Two big issues with alcohol is the sugar calories and gluten if the alcohol is made from a gluten based grain like wheat.  We can only handle so much sugar and gluten tends to cause digestive problems and inflammation. If you drink, consume vodka or tequila. Less sugar and stress 🙂
  9. Decide how many drinks you are going to have before the party,  and alternate between an alcohol beverage (if you have to drink) and water (same goes for soda). This cuts 100’s of calories!!!! Also, if you are going to drink, combine the alcohol with fat & protein, rather than more carbs. Some do not know that alcohol is a carbohydrate. Two carbs (alcohol and chips) do not make a right. Try some cheese or nuts.
  10. Don’t eat things if you don’t like them. If you put it on your plate and it doesn’t taste as good as you thought, don’t eat it. Why take in the extra calories on something, which doesn’t even satisfy you?
  11. Bring something you like. When attending a party or gathering, bring a healthier dish, one you like and eat it! This is a good way to eat less tempting foods.
  12. Say no to leftovers. Unless they are healthy foods that you can eat the next day for lunch or dinner.
  13. Use the dirty napkin trick. When you want to stop eating throw a dirty napkin over your food.
  14. Throw the snack plate away. When at a party, if the plate is plastic throw it away. If it is a dish, put it in the sink. The longer you hold on to your plate, the more you will eat.
  15. Ask yourself, is this good? And if not, don’t eat it!
  16. Split a treat. Half the calories. Or, have a little piece.
  17. Question yourself. Frequently ask yourself if you’re full, pause and listen. Slow down your breathing so you will be less reactive.
  18. Leave the room. Don’t hang out by the food table at home or at parties. Too much mindless eating!
  19. Don’t give up! It is common and often fine to have a bad meal or a bad day of eating. It will be okay and it DOES NOT mean your efforts are hopeless. Simply acknowledge that you overate and get back on your plan. Tomorrow is a new day! Start your morning with a diet higher in protein & fat and less carbohydrates, as this will to help to balance your hormones and your biochemistry.
  20. ​One of my favorite strategies for a cheat day is Intermittent fasting or digestive resting. If you deviate on Super Bowl Sunday, do a fast or rest on Monday. For more on intermittent fasting/ digestive resting​ go here: Fresh Start Monday

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Your friend & coach,


Telephone: 650-654-4604
About Brien



P.S. Remember that I’m only a call or email away to assist you in all things health & fitness. If you are not yet one of my prized clients apply as soon as you can to schedule an interview for our new 6 week challenge starting soon!

APPLY HERE>>> NEW 6-Week Total Body Transformation​ Challenge​​​​​​​​