
Join this FREE 8 – Week Kettlebell Program with Coach Mike Salemi

I have an amazing and FREE opportunity for you if you want to increase your strength and learn more about strength training and kettlebells.

You will receive free coaching from one of the best Kettlebell and Strength coaches in the world, Mike Salemi, who just happens to be one of my close friends whom I have learned a great deal from.

Coach Mike is looking to change the world of the kettlebell sport and is also looking to train potential 1st time kettlebell competitors like you and me for FREE.

Listen to Coach Mike speak here on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDHZ0rYlF_A&t=4s


  • A new program released every 2 weeks (~3x/week trainings) with live, in person coaching run by Kettlebell Master of Sport Mike Salemi.
  • Training will be held at a different Bay Area facility for 1-2 hours every 2 weeks to kick off each new cycle and technique progression (video recordings will be provided for distant folks/those who can’t make it live).
  • There will also be various guest presenters, tips, and videos from credible Kettlebell coaches provided along the way as well.
  • A qualifying questionnaire will be sent out prior to beginning the program to determine if you would best fit into a Tier 1, or a more advanced Tier 2 programming option.
  • All programming will be tailored towards the 5 Minute Multi-Hand Switch Long Cycle Event (Clean + Jerk), to prepare you for a 1st time kettlebell competition at the Silicon Valley Kettlebell Open on May 6th.

If you are someone that has kettlebell experience and would like to challenge yourself beyond this one event, you can always enter a second event at no additional charge, however programming will only cover the Silicon Valley Kettlebell Open.

The first live training will be held tomorrow, Saturday, March 11th at CrossFit Walnut Creek from 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm. If you can’t make it to that training, the session will be recorded and released the day after to the group.

This training program will be more introductory in nature, with the goal of ensuring above all that competitors feel comfortable and safe entering in their first competition, as well have a great time in the process! During the first 4 weeks Mike will teach what would be considered more foundational kettlebell movements, and the final 4 weeks it will be more Kettlebell Sport inspired. All we ask is that you do your best and commit to the process.

To reserve your spot in the 8-Week FREE Intro Program, please send an email to Mike at [email protected]

Also, since this is only for first time Kettlebell Sport competitors attending the Silicon Valley Kettlebell Open, please be sure you register for the competition by filling out the Google Docs form by clicking on the button below:

Competition Registration Form

Mike looks forward to supporting each of you along your journey and giving you a taste of something new, challenging, and a means to connect with an amazing community of people.

I highly recommend this program and Coach Mike if you are looking for improved motivation and strength!

Your friend & coach,


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