
New Study Shows Meditation Just as Effective as Drugs for Depression!

A recent study in the Archives of General Psychiatry showed that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, which includes meditation was just as effective as drugs for depression! The technique is designed for those who suffer from chronic depression.

For more go to the article by Planet Green.com.

My personal goal is to achieve 45 minutes of meditation time each day. Many people think that meditation is defined as a period of time when you are to think of nothing. This is only one type of meditation and surely doesn’t work for everyone.

According to Wikipedia, “Meditation refers to any of a family of practices in which the practitioner trains his or her mind or self-induces a mode of consciousness in order to realize some benefit.[1][2][3]…

The purpose of meditation is based on the fact that the human mind is always in a state of flux. This constant restlessness prevents us from accessing our immense inner resources. Thus meditation practices, in general, aim at reducing mind chatter, so that we perceive reality as it is. Practitioners at various stages interpret the practice according to their levels of development. The term ‘practice’ can be questioned when looked at from the point of view of ‘experience’. Meditation is not about verbalizing, it is about experiencing. Again, some amount of practice is required for the experience.”

I occasionally do a Zen Meditation, where the goal is to quiet the mind, while sitting or lying in a quiet place, but most of the time my best meditation experiences have been out in nature, on a hike or while walking on the labrynth at Mercy Center in Burligame. I also created a beautiful meditation room at the new Belmont Personal Training & Nutrition Studio which works for me.

Given I enjoy writing and feel that it is the best way for me to communicate, I get the most out of my meditations when I journal. Daily, I write about the gifts and the challenges of the day, noticing  and indicating how God is moving through me and others, and ask any question that I need guidance on. I write down whatever comes up for me and reflect on my journal entries often.

I have been practicing meditation faithfully for almost 2 years and have been influenced by many of the programs at the  & Spiritual Directors at Mercy Center. For information on Mercy Center go to: Spiritual Direction & Meditation

If you would like to talk with me about stress reduction techniques, meditation and how to create daily happiness contact me . If I can’t help I have some great resources that can.

In Fitness, Health, & Vitality,


Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach


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