
Redwood City Personal Trainer Workout 07/06/2010 – Six Pack Ab Workout

Redwood City Personal Trainer Workout 07/06/2010 – Six Pack Ab Workout

Obstacle Course Jog/Walk


Group Work:

  1. Plank Series: 90s & 120s
  2. Quadruped with Elbow-Knee: 10x 2 Sets

Perform the following exercises in a circuit for 2-3 rounds for 1 minute

  1. Lower Ab over Ball
  2. Ladder Drill: Carioca Series
  3. One Leg Bridge Press with Leg on MB (30s each)
  4. Cone Drill: 4 Cone Cross Pattern
  5. Deck Squats
  6. Jump Rope

Please add your comments below on the workout.

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In Fitness & Health,

Brien Shamp & Mike Salemi
SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp

P.S. Remember Every Saturday @ 7 am-FREE Community SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp *We would like to see a big crowd to get the bay area fit. Please tell a friend.

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