
Word of the Week: RESET

The word of the week is RESET!

Reset is to turn a piece of computer equipment off and then on again when it does not work correctly, to make it start working correctly again.

Don’t you wish you could just hit the reset button for your body or life like you do with your phone, computer ox Xfinity cable box?


I have a proven self-care system called the 7 Daily Primal Needs that you can use to RESET your fitness & health.

Focus on your 7 Primal Needs Daily! <<< Check out my self- care system here.

Where area do you need to focus on this week?

“Reset, Refocus, Readjust, Restart…As Many Times As You Need To!”

Consider a RESET by doing a nutrition & lifestyle Detox with me and my team….

We have opened up 15 more spots for our 28 Day Spring Detox starting Monday, March 16th.

Do you want to lose 10+ lbs and at least 1 clothing size in the next 4 weeks and keep it off permanently?

More importantly, do you need to enhance your immune system right now given all the craziness going on?

70% of your immune system is in your gut and we are going to focus on improving gut health first and foremost.

We will also dive deep into reducing stress in many other areas of your life with this personalized coaching program.

Normally our 6-week personalized coaching program is $997 and for 10 more qualified people you can take on the same program, but for 28 days for just $197.

If you are interested or know someone that might be, send us an email to [email protected] ASAP!

Note: You DO NOT need to be able to workout in-person at our locations.

This program delivers a high level 1-on-1 Coaching and Accountability in a virtual setting so you can exercise anywhere and achieve guaranteed results.

If you feel you are not as healthy as you should be right now, let’s have a call to talk more. We have a few openings for a quick call this week.

For past words of the week: Word of the Week

Your friend & coach,


Telephone: 650-654-4604
About Brien


#wordoftheweek #coachbrienshamp #brienshampcoaching  #consistencyin2020 #simplicityin2020