
San Carlos Boot Camp Tough Mudder Training Challenge 8/12/11-Try This Challenge Day Workout

Theme: San Carlos Boot Camp Tough Mudder Training Challenge V (You can modify the number of reps, the intensity and the exercises)

Warm-up (5-10 minutes) *Go over WOD Exercises Here

Core: Perform 2 rounds of the following at your own speed with good form:

 1.    Lower Ab Horizontal Scissors: 20 *3 B’s

2.    Side Lying Hip Ab & Ad: 20 Each *Keep 3 B’s

3.    Prone Cobra: 15 Each *Thumbs Up *Hold 2 s *Legs on Ground

4.    Oblique Crunches with Legs Up: 10 Each *Basic Crunch with Rotation

Perform the following workout for 25-30 minutes with your team or coach them when to do the strength exercises on your call. This is a non-stop workout but participants can go at their own speed. Everyone will start either walking/jogging or sprinting and then complete a strength exercise on your call and then back to the walk/jog/sprint. Within the 25-30 min get in 3 rounds of the following:

1)    Walk/Jog/Sprint

2)   Prison Cell Push-Ups: 10 Total Push-Ups:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3sCHle-omg *Elbows In

3)    Walk/Jog/Sprint

4)    Prisoner Split Squats:10 Each

5)    Walk/Jog/Sprint

6)    Dips:10 *Shoulders Back

7)    Walk/Jog/Sprint

8)    Back Lunges:10 each

9)   Walk/Jog/Sprint

10) Long Jump Burpees (No Push-Up):10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCIDLFgIjGA

11) Walk/Jog/Sprint

12) Row/Pull-Ups

13) Walk/Jog/Sprint

14) Skaters: 10 Each Side: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S9FG0KB1O8

Cool down & stretch (5-10 minutes)

Try San Carlos Boot Camp:  $1 for 1 Week Trial

In Health, Fitness & Vitality,


Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach


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