
Save the date: 5/13 @ 12 pm PST: The Energy of our Digestive System

We have been having some great special zoom events and have one more special event scheduled at this time.

Please save the date in your calendar &  invite a friend.

5/13 @ 12 pm PST: “The Energy of our Digestive System”

In this zoom presentation, my energy healer Diane will share with you the energy connections that can dampen or improve our digestive system. She will share easy techniques to bring our systems into balance.

Diane Elmore has seen energy fields around all living things since she was a child. Her Grandmother said that she would be taught how to help heal people with this gift, and to know that the right teachers would show up when it was time.

Low and behold at the age of 18 Diane met her first “Teachers”, a husband and wife who were teaching about Energy Healing.

As her training began she had friends and others asking her to teach them as well.

Her first training involved the Chakra System.

Although through her life she has studied many Healing modalities, Diane continues to utilize the Chakra system as a strong foundational access point for healing processes. She has lovingly dedicated her life to helping others with their healing.

She briefly paused here and there along her journey to continue her training and raise her children Now she is back to doing full-time healing work.

Energy Worker and Educator

Distance Healing

Private Sessions

Certified Retreat Leader

Designing Group and Private Retreats

We would love for you to be able to make the livestream event, but if you can’t we will record it.

Here are the zoom details:

https: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82067583496?pwd=REVVUjJDSlM3Q2I3QzhWeitBM0dqUT09

Meeting ID: 820 6758 3496

Passcode: Workout1

If you need anything let me know.

Coach Brien