
SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp Workout of the Day w/ Personal Trainers Brien Shamp & Mike Salemi 03/18/2010

SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp Workout of the Day 03/18/2010


Total Body Tabata Workout

Perform core in circuit 2-3 x for 1 min:

  1. Standing Groin on Slide Board
  2. Core Board Plank Rotation
  3. Side Walk with Band (30s Bent Knee, 30 s Straight Legs)
  4. D2 Pattern with Rotation-Unilateral on 1 Leg
  5. Lower Ab Holding FM
  6. Back Extension on Glute Ham
  7. Combo Crunch with MB

Ladder Drills: Perform 2-4 each
(lead in with different leg each time)

  1. March
  2. High Knee Skip
  3. Twist & Skip
  4. Run Through-Fwd & Back
  5. Icky Shuffle-Fwd & Back
  6. Hop Scotch

Please add your comments below on the workout.

Contact us for your FREE Week Trial Today!

In Fitness & Health,

Brien Shamp & Mike Salemi
SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp

P.S. Remember Every Saturday @ 8 am-FREE Community SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp *We would like to see a big crowd to get the bay area fit. Please tell a friend.

P.S.S. Become a Fan of Brien Shamp and SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp on Facebook