
SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp Workout of the Day w/ Personal Trainers Brien Shamp & Mike Salemi 03/22/2010

SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp Workout of the Day 03/22/2010


Total Body Workout

Advanced Warm-Up:

MB Warm-Up: Rotations, 8’s, Squats, Squats w/ Press, Lunges with OH Raise, Circle Squats, Side Bend, Rev Chops, Chops

Dynamic Warm-Up Stretches

  • MB Push Press with Jog-2 Min
  • MB OH Soccer Throw-2 min

Perform each exercise for 1 min (2-3 rounds)

  • Pull-Ups/Pulldowns-Sets of 5 in 1 Min–> 10 BW Squats in between
  • 1 Arm Alt. Push-Up with MB (Hold as needed)
  • Ball Squat Hold w/ MB Btw Knees with Chest Stretch
  • KB Triceps Ext w/ Head on Ball
  • Step-Ups w/ Biceps Curl (30 s each side)
  • Trunk Rotation with Side Step with Pulley (30 s each side)

5-10-5 if time

If you can not see the video below go to: SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp BLOG

Please add your comments below on the workout.

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In Fitness & Health,

Brien Shamp & Mike Salemi
SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp

P.S. Remember Every Saturday @ 8 am-FREE Community SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp *We would like to see a big crowd to get the bay area fit. Please tell a friend.

P.S.S. Become a Fan of Brien Shamp and SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp on Facebook