
SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp Workout of the Day w/ Personal Trainers Brien Shamp & Mike Salemi 04/13/2010

SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp Workout of the Day 04/13/2010

Core- Cardio Workout

Pre-Workout Core: 1 Min, 2 Rounds
1) Fighter Sit Ups
2) Super People
3) Partner MB Roll In Push Up Position

1) 4 Laps Around Large Gym (Fwd, Lateral Shuffle And Carioca Patterns)

Core: 1 Min, 2 Rounds
1) Stability Ball Leg Curls
2) Sled- Straight Arm Torso Twist (30 Sec Each Side)
3) Fwd Low Walks With Band
4) Side Plank With Adductor Hold (30 Sec Each Side)
5) Swiss Ball Sit Ups
6) One Arm FM Rows (30 Sec Each Side)
7) MB Twists On Floor

Please add your comments below on the workout.

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In Fitness & Health,

Brien Shamp & Mike Salemi
SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp

P.S. Remember Every Saturday @ 8 am-FREE Community SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp *We would like to see a big crowd to get the bay area fit. Please tell a friend.

P.S.S. Become a Fan of Brien Shamp and SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp on Facebook