
The 6 Best Exercises For Your Buns

Here’s the article that you’ve been waiting for – everything you need to know to shape up your booty for swimsuit season.

Don’t allow past failures get you down. It can be frustrating waiting for results, but by a combination of cardio exercises, a healthy diet, and the right resistance workouts targeted for the butt and thighs, you will reach your goal.

Here are the essential exercises that target your gluteal muscles to give it the shape and tone you desire.

Exercise 1: Hip Lift (A.K.A. Bridge)
A great exercise to work your glute muscles is the hip lift. To do this exercise, lie on the floor with your back flat, knees bent, and feet resting on the ground. While keeping your arms at your sides on the floor, lift your bottom and lower back off of the floor. Hold for a 6s seconds, and then slowly lower yourself. Repeat for 1 min. To work your muscles even more, put a book between your knees or lift a leg in the air when you raise your bottom off the ground. Lower yourself and then repeat for 30s, then repeat with the other leg.

Exercise 2: Side Lying Leg Lift
To do a leg lift, lie on your side and prop yourself up on your elbow. Raise your top leg slowly into the air, as high as you can, so your legs make a “V” shape. Hold for a 2s seconds, and then slowly lower your leg. Repeat 25 times, turn onto the other side, and lift the other leg.

Exercise 3: Ankle Band Side Step
This is a great exercise to get your heart pumping and work your outer butt. To do this exercise, you’ll need an elastic sports band. Stand up straight with your legs hip-width apart and tie the band around your lower legs. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, your back is straight, and your abdominals are engaged. While in this squatting position, take two steps to the left, then two to the right and repeat for 1 min. You may need to use your arms for balance, but your hip/butt muscles should feel a workout.

Exercise 4: Plie Squat
Another form of squat is the plie squat. If you don’t have an elastic band, this is the exercise to add definition and shape to your butt. Start by standing with your legs slightly more than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed out to the sides. This is what ballerinas call the plie position. For balance, hold your arms in front of you. While keeping your back straight, slowly squat to the ground until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this for five seconds and stand back up. Repeat for 30-60s.

Exercise 5: Split Squat
A fifth exercise that targets the muscles of your butt, thighs, and hips is the Split Squat. Putting one foot out in front of the other, lower your body toward the ground, keeping your abdominals tight and your torso straight. Lower until the front knee is bent at 90 degrees and not extended past your toes. Stand back up and then extend the opposite leg and bend. Perform for 30s each side. For an increased workout, hold dumbbells in each hand.

Exercise 6: Run or Walk
Running, walking or hiking outside on an incline(or on the treadmill if needed) are other great exercises that work your butt while giving you a cardio workout at the same time. Make it your goal to exercise 30 to 45 minutes two-three times a week, including walking or running each time.

Burn, Baby, Burn! These exercises are excellent ways to burn extra fat off your butt while adding the definition you desire. Not used to working your gluteal muscles? You’ll definitely feel the burn the first few days, but the end result will be worth the effort!

If you’re serious about transforming your body then call or email today to set up a consultation with me. Together we will create the perfect program that will quickly get you into the body that you deserve.

Don’t wait – call or email today to get started.

Your friend & coach,



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