3/14 Total Body Fat Loss Workout of the Day: Battle Ropes, Rows, Glider, TRX, Sprinter’s Lunge, Jumps, wood Chops
Preparation: Perform the following exercises to prepare for the wod:
1. Close Grip Push-Up (5)
2. Plank with Leg Out to Side-Abduction (5 Each Side) *On elbows
3. One Arm Row with Split Stance (5 each side) *Wide Stance
4. Sprinter’s Forward-Backwards Lunges (5 each side) *Use Arm Swing-Opp Arm & Leg
5. Reverse Wood Chops with Pivot (5 each side) *Pivot knee will come close to ground like picking up a box
6. Squat Jumps *Start and end jump with arms overhead (5)
Workout of the Day: Perform 3 sets of the following exercises for 1 Min (15-20s Rest)
1. Plate/Db One Arm Row with Split Stance (30s each side) *Wide Stance
2. Sprinter’s Forward-Backwards Lunges (30s each side) *Use Arm Swing-Opp Arm & Leg
3. TRX Push Up (30s) *Hands in handles TRX Triceps Ext (30s)
4. Battle Ropes: Seated Overhand Grip Alternating Wave *Open Legs Wide (30s only)
5. Matt Squat Jumps *Start and end jump with arms overhead
6. Tubing Reverse Wood Chops with Pivot (30s each side) *Pivot knee will come close to ground like picking up a box
7. Glider Plank with Hip AB/AD
If you can’t see the video above go to: SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp BLOG
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NEW Burlingame Fit Boot Camp Grand Opening March 2nd: 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Grand Opening Promotion
In Health, Fitness & Vitality,
Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach
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