
Will You Join My Second Annual 10 Day Spring Cleanse Next Wednesday?

Happy Thursday From Dallas, Texas!

I want to thank those of you that sent me emails asking about my safety on Tuesday. They were 6 tornados that touched, but we were all safe. I witnessed an amazing rain and thunder storm. Much cooler than our earthquakes. I will be back on Saturday and I look forward to seeing “Y’ALL Real Soon.”

I am also looking forward to doing my second annual 10 Day Detox on Saturday, April 14th and I want to invite you to do it with Chris (the Wife) and I. I was able to score a great volume discount given I sold over 120 in the month of April last year and I can extend that discount to you!

Why the 10 Day Detox vs. the 21 Day Detox Program?

  • I want more people to learn about detoxification, given most of the physical symptoms we have are toxicity related.
  • You will get a chance to be a vegetarian for 10 days and this will reduce digestive stress. This is something most of us deal with every day. It is harder to digest animal proteins so many will see and feel less bloating, gas, constipation and more with a “good” vegetarian diet. Most vegetarian diets are not that good and I do not advocate full time vegetarian diets.
  • You will be able to find out how you feel without the common food stressors for 10 days. Many have food intolerances and allergies to very similar foods: dairy, wheat, gluten, soy, corn, nuts, seeds, etc. By removing and introducing these foods you will identify foods that make you feel your absolute best and those that do not.
  • I also want to remove the obstacles of price and time for those that have not done my 21 Day Detox Program. The price will be low and it’s only 10 days.

Take my toxicity test here to find out how toxic you are: TOXICITY

We are bombarded daily with chemicals in the air, food, water, soil, dust and everyday products. Our aging bodies can only take so much. When they are overwhelmed with toxicity, we develop pain and weight gain, but many do not understand this connection and how easy it is to reduce this pain and excess weight.

As many of you know I am a big promoter of group activities and community. I thought it would be great to get a group together again, so we can all support each other. We all need support right? Even me. With support, we can get through it together and share shake recipes & lifestyle habits to make the program even more successful.

I already have a large amount of material and support from last year’s group and many others who have shared on the community forum I developed for this program. There is no shortage of support materials, including a daily email to support you each day of the program.

I am going to start my Detox on April 14th after Easter weekend (always good to start on a weekend to prepare) so this is the day the group will start. If that doesn’t work for you, no worries. You can start at any time. There will be group introduction next Wednesday, April 11th @ 6:30 pm and April 12th @ 12 pm at my private studio in Belmont.

If you can’t make the group meetings based upon your schedule or you live out of the area, we will have a pre-detox phone conference on April 12 @ 6:00 pm PST.

There will be a post detox phone conference on April 23rd @ 6:30 pm PST.

100 spots will be available for this spring cleanse program.

Here are some details about the program that you should know before you commit:

  • This is a simple 10-day metabolic detoxification that can remove toxins from your body and by taking action, you can start to feel re-energized soon.
  • Based upon approximately 500 people in the last year, most will lose 5-10 pounds and a 1-2 dress and pant sizes during this 10 day program. However, this is not the purpose of the program. Weight loss is a by-product of improved digestion and hormonal balance, as well as lowered immune stress. Most of my clients reduced their toxicity score by approximately 50% in this short time frame.
  • The program is simple and you can see it here: 10 Day Group Detox Program
  • You’ll follow the daily model of food eliminations and additions over the 10 day period, eating as much as you want of the foods that are outlined for you in the program guide. This is not a starvation diet. The goal is to eat as much as you want of the highest quality foods. You will check in on the on-line forum daily, your questions will be answered, you will learn new ideas and meet new friends.
  • This has nothing to do with working out, but I do recommend you do some kind of daily movement-anything will do. It’s simple actually – just commit to yourself for 10 days, be willing to experiment with foods, listen to how your body feels with the elimination and addition of foods we add over the course of the 10 days and the results will come. You will be more sensitive than ever before as you bring different foods in and out of your diet. You will be able to figure out the ideal foods your body feels best on with the 10 day experiment.
  • You should experience a reduction of carbohydrate and sugar cravings, more energy, better sleep, less stress and a smaller waist.
  • And the eating program I give you will NOT be a liquid diet. There are some shakes included as part of the program, but we are eating real food. It is recommended to eat every 2-3 hours.
  • You will not know foods you are currently eating are a problem until we take them out and add them back in over time. The problem is that we tend to eat the same foods all the time and feel the same way, so it is hard to know what the culprits are unless we remove them for a period of time. We could do food allergy type testing, but that would cost 3 times as much and may only be accurate for a short period of time.

Now here’s the best part of this whole thing… the cost.

Since I scored a good deal when I purchased 100 Detox Kits, I can pass on my savings to everyone who is interested. I am excited to make this program affordable for just about anyone.

The entire 10 Day Detox Program is only $99 (Regular Price:$125). *Price will be discounted at check-out

You do have some time to think about committing to the program given the start date is April 14th, but think quick if you want to attend the live pre-detox meetings next Wednesday or Thursday. The last day of the promotion is April 15th at Midnight PST.

So, if you want to be one of the 100 people to get a deal on this spring cleanse program and figure out what foods are creating your stress in only 10 days, then sign up here: 10 Day Group Detox to join me for some fun.

Please forward this e-mail to your friends and family members, as this is sure to help them also.

If you have any questions just reply to this email or call me at 650-654-4604

This program is going to sell out, so join me and 98 others if you want a spring cleanse.

Be sure to go to this site to register: 10 Day Detox  *Price will be discounted at check-out

I look forward to detoxing with you!

Your friend & coach,


P.S. Please share my educational content with your friends and family and help me reach my goal of 10,000 subscribers.


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I work with those who desire weight & fat loss, pain reduction and stress management through comprehensive exercise, nutrition & lifestyle strategies. My dream is to coach those who seek my help live their passions with happiness & love.

Thank you for allowing me to help you.


Check our life-changing fitness and nutrition programs to help you live your healthiest, fittest, and most energetic life ever!


Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach

www.10 DayDetox.com
