
It's On! 5 1/2 -Week Holiday Body Transformation Challenge (Final Details)

Hey there,

I hope you are having a great week!

Since sending out my last email about a 5 week holiday challenge, I have been bombarded with interest, so we are a go for Monday, November 14th.

I made a few changes to the original plan. I made it slightly longer. The end of the contest will be December 23rd, so it is a 40 day challenge. I also changed the date of the post party to December 28th, where we will have some fun, celebrate and announce the winner.

Current clients of Belmont Boot Camp, Burlingame Boot Camp, Menlo Fit Boot Camp, Shamp’s Mini Camp, TRX Boot Camp and my Personal Training clients can register here for $25: 5 1/2 -Week Holiday Challenge Registration Fee

Given the response, I am also going to open the challenge up to 15 non-members for a special price of $200 ($175 for 5 1/2 weeks of unlimited training at Belmont Boot Camp, Burlingame Boot Camp or Menlo Fit Boot Camp & $25 for the registration fee).

Non-members pick your location below to sign up for your 40 days of unlimited classes from November 14-December 23rd:

Belmont Boot Camp

Burlingame Boot Camp

Menlo Fit

Non-members please now register for the $25 registration fee here: 5 1/2 -Week Holiday Challenge Registration Fee

Here are some challenge details you should know before you register:

  • This is a 40 day challenge in two of the most difficult months. If you can withstand the social pressures of holiday events you can do anything!
  • This is not a weight loss contest, but a fat loss and lifestyle challenge.  Winners will be chosen based on greatest body fat loss and body composition improvement in 40 days: judged based on body composition numbers (weight, body fat, lean body mass), visual appearance (before and after photographs from 3 angles) and a transformation essay (each component counts for 1/3 of the score. The judges may weight the photos or essays more heavily based on body composition test result congruency).
  • Again, this is  not a “weight loss” contest. (The person who loses the most weight could be the winner, but NOT necessarily).
  • Although this is a competition with many people vying for the prizes, from a judging point of view, you are competing against yourself: You will be judged on your own personal improvement between your “before” and your “after.”
  • Contestants agree to follow the challenge rules and procedures below or posting before photos, taking measurements, after photos and final essay.
  • Start date of challenge is Monday 11/14/11
  • End date of challenge is 12/23/11
  • Pre & Post Photos must be submitted by email to beshamp@brienshamp-com.wp3.staging-site.io. Send front, side and back view photos (3 different photos) wearing a bathing suit or  sports bra or tank/shorts for females and shorts for males. Use judgment on clothing. If clothes are baggy, there will not be a noticeable difference in before and after photos.
  • Pre photos must be sent via email on 11/14/11. Hold a newspaper for the front angle view,  so it proves the date of the photo on 11/14/11.
  • Post photos must be sent on 12/23/11. Again, hold a newspaper for the front angle view,  so it proves the date of the photo ofn12/23/11
  • Weight and body fat will be measured at your boot camp facilities by boot camp instructor on 11/14 and 12/23. They will send me your results; however, please take note of measurement also,  which will be used in your essays. Please send measurements with photos.
  • Weight and body fat can be measured weekly so you can keep track of your results.
  • It is recommended for you to take additional measurements to track your progress, especially if you want to reduce body fat.
  • Lastly, complete an essay and send to beshamp@brienshamp-com.wp3.staging-site.io on 12/23 (no more than one page -double spaced) about what you leaned and achieved  from the 5 1/2 week experience, share your obstacles and how you overcame them, how you changed your lifestyle, etc. Be specific with bullet points. It is rec to work on your essay during the 5 week period so you can easily send it in on 12/23.
  • You will receive a link to a special facebook page for all contestants, daily emails with nutrition information and access to me for questions.
  • There will also be a party at my studio in Belmont on Wednesday 12/28/11 from 630-9:30 pm for all the contestants where we will pick the winner of the Ipad 2 or $600.
  • Additional prizes will be given so there is not just one winner!
  • To enter contest and to be eligible for prizes, you must pay registration fee and be an active member of Burlingame Boot Camp,  Belmont Boot Camp, Shamp’s Mini Camp, TRX Boot Camp,  Menlo Fit or one of Brien Shamp’s Personal Training Clients.

Simple enough right? Let’s have some fun, challenge ourselves and support each other over the next 5 1/2 weeks. We can they truly celebrate on Christmas!

Again, here is how you sign up:

Current clients: 5 1/2 -Week Holiday Challenge Registration Fee

Non-members pick your location below to sign up for your 40 days of unlimited classes from November 14-December 23rd:

Belmont Boot Camp

Burlingame Boot Camp

Menlo Fit

Non-members please now register for the $25 registration fee here: 5 1/2 -Week Holiday Challenge Registration Fee

Have a great Friday!

Brien Shamp
