
Special Boot Camp Class on July 4th!

Happy Monday, July 2nd!

Normal classes are cancelled on July 4th; however, there will be one class in Belmont at 8 am. The location for this class will be:

Twin Pines Park @ The Meadow in Belmont
30 Twin Pines Lane in Belmont
*Baby Sitting Opportunity for $5.

This is outside and there is an option for shade if you are avoiding the sun. Bring your shoes, water and a mat, towel or blanket.

Members can bring a guest for Free- please sign yourself and your guest up here: July 4th Boot Camp

There is no Saturday class in Menlo Park this week.

Last week we had another great Tony Robbins Workshop. At the workshop, Eli, Tony’s Trainer offered us a group discount for those interested in Tony’s July 19-22nd Workshop in San Jose “Unleash the Power Within.” For more information on the workshop go to: Unleash

Executive seating for my group is $595 & VIP seating is $795. Contact Eli if you are interested at Eli.Wilhide@TonyRobbins.com

I am not making a commission on sales; however, I do want you there for personal reasons. I guarantee that if you spend a weekend with Tony Robbins you will be more motivated to give me your all when it comes to your exercise and nutrition. I want more from you. With your 100% commitment towards your health & fitness you will achieve your goals, make me look good and make my job a lot easier 🙂

I have created a team for the American Cancer Society Relay For Life team. Team captain, Fred Ehlers, and his wife Tere, went through their battle with the disease last year when Tere was diagnosed with breast cancer. After two surgeries and several weeks of treatments, Tere is on the way to a full recovery.

At the event, our team will camp out overnight and take turns walking around the track to raise money and awareness to help the American Cancer Society create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.

Please join our team or make a donation. The impact we can make together is much greater than what any of us could do alone!

To join the team or donate to the cause go here: Relay for Life

In this newsletter, you will see an article called “This One’s For Your Sweet Tooth”, some Spa Water Ideas and a Santa Fe Wild Salmon Salad recipe below.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

See my latest articles here: www.BrienShamp.com

Have a great week!
