I started my day with some grounding work, Bulletproof Coffee, and a great Taekwondo session at Gold Medal Martial Arts. I have been doing Taekwondo with Master Herb Perez for about a year now and I am having a blast.
I have always wanted to get into martial arts and have done a few things over the years, but nothing really resonated. There are many benefits of learning a martial art: self-defense, agility, coordination, endurance, reaction, balance, motor skill development, teamwork, focus, respect, discipline, self-confidence, mindset, resilience and more. I highly recommend martial arts for women, seniors and children given the above.
I had a great webinar interviewrecently with Master Morgan Newman on the benefits of Kung Fu and Tai Chi here >>> Listen to the Podcast
I learn something new every Taekwondo session and I am humbled often.
Speaking of learning something new, I am a big advocate of personal development work. Martial Arts could also fall into this category, but I am referring to other non-physical disciplines that improve your mindset.
I have had so many great mentors over the years that have shaped who I am today. I have done lots of work to fix my brokenness 🙂 I prefer live workshops, retreats and immersion programs away from home, so I can dive in and not be distracted by the monotony and conflicts of the real world.
Some of my favorite live personal development programs have been by, Tony Robbins, Allison Armstrong of PAX, Landmark Education, Paul Chek and locally at the Mercy Center in the Bay Area.
Tony Robbins has a new movie out on Netflix called “I AM NOT YOUR GURU.” I heard I am in the background of the filming. I can’t wait to see it.
Also, Tony is coming to the Bay Area in November and this Saturday, June 23rd @ 10:30 am we will be hosting a FREE Tony Robbins Peak Performance Workshop at the Harbor Studio.
My friend and Top National Speaker for Tony, Scott Gass will be here. This workshop will give you some tools to help you achieve your health, fitness and life goals. Tony Robbins has been one of my top mentors and I am excited to share his work with all of you. Please share this event with your family and friends and RSVP to Coach Anne Vidovich by emailing her: anne@fitbodybelmont.com
Although live programs are great, you have to continue learning or you digress. One of my goals is to get at least 10 minutes of personal development work in daily. Many like me tend to give so much and we need to recharge in order to bring the passion back. I prefer to do my personal development work before I leave the house after my meditation work, but it can take place listening to a program in the car while driving, working out or relaxing prior to bed.
I have found that when I learn something new or even if I listen to the same positive messages I am a much nicer and better person 🙂
I have been listening to an outstanding podcast by Lewis Howes “School of Greatness” on Soudcloud. Today I listened to “Make A Difference.” Great message!
I am not really a book reader. I have purchased many, but I tend to read more on the internet these days. I have found a great resource that allows me to read multiple books in a day called Blinkist How cool is that?
What are you doing to get better and to recharge that passion each day? Let me know if you have any great resources you have found.
Below is a list of great self improvement resources highly recommended by Coach Anne Vidovich:
The Road Less Traveled by Scott Peck https://www.amazon.com/Road-Less-Traveled-Timeless-Traditional/dp/0743243153
There are also audio versions and workbooks for further exploration…One of the most powerful books I have ever read and set me on the path for self-exploration.
Video/audio: “Taos Winds” is on You Tube has free 6-15 minute meditations where you just find a quiet place and listen to the sounds to clear chakras. I highly recommend and have seen huge improvements with just 5-15 minutes per day.
Book: True Balance Sonia Choquette: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUNjjDYr-5w
Daisy Lee and Francisco Garripoli
This Qigong teacher is a little annoying to listen to but his exercises are amazing so I just listen without sound.
Lee Holden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MSHOulBZNs
John Kabbat-Zinn
Tara Brach
She delivers Buddhist talks in a fun, light, and playful way. I love her! She is my new favorite 🙂
Book: Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman
This is a powerful book with an amazing story of transformation. His general website is http://www.peacefulwarrior.com and he has a ton of resources.
Book: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
I own three copies of this book and I love it. There are short chapters and a lot of beautiful life lessons and reminders
Stress Management
Me 🙂 Claim Your Life: http://claimyourlife.net/
Insight Meditation Center Redwood City – you can go to the physical location or listen to Dharma Talks. here are many Dharma Talks, but here is one of my favorites:
I really like Andrea Fella, Gil Fronsdal, and Robert Cusick
Tara Brach https://www.tarabrach.com
Kelly Howell sample of one of my favorite meditations:
These meditations work just by listening to them and range from 28-35 minutes. I do these daily going to sleep or on a lunch break. Very powerful.
Depak Chopra has a ton of resources on self-improvment and meditation
Wayne Dyer: inspiration and self-improvement
Byron Katie – Love What Is – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O60DfNd4k_Y
Her process is called “The Work” and her book is Loving what Is. This is an amazing and healing process and it is very quick.
Colin Tipping – Radical Forgiveness
His website is http://www.radicalforgiveness.com
He has free tools, webinars, and worksheets to help with forgiveness. It is very powerful.
Debbie Ford has many podcasts, audio segments, meditations, and books on various self-improvement topics. Her specialty is “looking at your shadow.”
Healing Your Body
Louise Hay has a comprehensive list of illnesses and what they mean metaphysically
Here is a link to my You Tube channel where I store videos that I am interested in. Under CYL (Claim Your Life), I have many resources that my clients can explore on various self-help and self-improvement topics:
What a great list! Anne and I hope you enjoy those resources and make excellent use of them. If you would like to have a strategy session about how to look and feel your best again, send me an email and let’s make it happen.
Your friend & coach,
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