Mindset is your collection of thoughts and beliefs that shape your thought.
Do you have trouble keeping a positive mindset in the midst of the chaos we are living in?
Do you tend to focus on all the things you don’t have and all that is wrong, rather than all that you are grateful for?
This week focus on a Gratitude Mindset and I guarantee your life will change for the better.
Start and end your day with core breathing, while at the same time thinking about 3 things you are grateful for.
Physical Therapist, Lori Yu reviews core breathing here: Core Breathing. Note, it can be done in any position, anywhere!
For a great morning ritual to get your mind in the right place do this breathing & gratitude combo: Tony Robbins Priming
Life is only as good as your mindset!
We have a new virtual coaching program called the 21 Day Virtual Transformation Challenge starting this week. Think of your mind as a muscle. If you work out your mindset daily you will create a strong body!
One’s mindset is the difference between success and failure in all that you do!
If you want a coach to support you when the going gets tough, contact us about our new program here: 21 Day Virtual Transformation Challenge
Have a great week!
For past words of the week: Word of the Week
Telephone: 650-654-4604
P.S. Remember that I’m only a call or email away to assist you in all things health & fitness. If you are not yet one of my prized clients apply as soon as you can to schedule an interview for our new program here: 21 Day Virtual Transformation Challenge starting soon!
APPLY HERE>>> Brien Shamp’s Transformation Coaching Interview
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