Warm-up prior to workout
WOD: Perform the following 8 Exercises in a Circuit for 40s each with 10s Rest for 4 Rounds.
*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 40s Work, 10s Rest, 32 Sets
*Connect your heart rate monitor to Coresync App for the workout or any workout>>> CORESYNC
If attending the LIVE Session, connect your heart rate monitor to the CoreSync app > click on workouts at the bottom > Click on LIVE > select class time and we will be able to see your heart rate, workout intensity and calories expended.
- DB Standing Triceps Kickback: *Hinge from the hip *Keep Elbows Close to Side of Body *Extend Arms to get Full ROM *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up
- Sea Turtles (2s Hold): *Lift Torso & Legs as high as possible *Finish with Thumbs to Thighs, Palms Up – Feel Scapulas Drop Back & Down *Legs Abduct, finishing apart *Repeat *Keep Belly in for added Stability – Breathe rhythmically
- Glider Body Plank Saw w. 1 Leg (20s Each): *On Elbows, Fists or Hands *Feet Together *Drive Weight to Heels to Reduce Tension in Shoulders *Shift Weight Forward & Back with Feet on Glider *Keep Hips from Sinking *Modify without Glider or 2 Legs *Keep Belly in for added Stability – Breathe rhythmically
- Step-Ups (20s w. Each Side): *Keep foot on step for 20s and slowly bring other foot down, keeping weight, primarily on the step *Hold additional Load if desired *Lift Collar Bones 1″ *Raise Step Height, Load or Speed to Increase Intensity *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up
- Supine Lower AB Ice Cream Scoops: *Lying Supine *Hands Under Tailbone *Start with Knees & Hips Flexed at 90 > Straighten Legs as you scoop towards the Ground & Keep Legs Straight as you perform Pelvic Raise to the Ceiling > Lift Pelvis at End ROM, then back down to 90 for Knee & Hip Flexion > Repeat *Modify with Smaller Scoop or Heel Tap *Keep belly in the entire time *Exhale through mouth and perform Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging)
- Standing DB/Band D2 Diagonal Low to High Shoulder Pattern w. Rotation (20s Each): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPNkTk8dFGM *Rotate from Core *Lift Collar Bones 1” *Head Back & Eyes Straight *Inhale on the way down and exhale, with Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up – Keep Belly in for added Stability
- Supine Jack-Knife (20s Each Side): *Lying Supine, Fingers to Eyebrows *Start with One Leg Extended & the other Flexed at Hip & Knee *Tongue on Roof of Mouth *Look at Abdomen, not at ceiling *Bring Elbows to Knees *Modify with Backwards Roll *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up
- Quadruped Beast Butt Blaster (20s Each Leg): *Knees 1-2” off Ground *Lift Collar Bones 1” *Corkscrew Elbows In *Modify with Knees on Ground *Perform Hip Extension: Bring Leg Up & Down *Squeeze Butt *Inhale with rib cage expansion/belly relaxed on the way down and exhale, drawing in of the belly and Kegel contraction (squeeze & lift of pelvic floor – should feel bladder & sphincter engaging) on the way up
I hope that you get a chance to give this workout a try soon.
Remember that I’m only a call or email away to assist you in all things health & fitness. If you are not yet one of my prized clients apply as soon as you can to schedule an interview for our new I AM A PRIORITY Coaching Program starting Monday!
I’d love to help you achieve your best self!
Please share my educational content with your friends and family and help us influence even more people to reach their full potential.
Your friend & coach,
Telephone: (650) 514-6679
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