
FBBC and Burlingame Fit Fat Loss Workout – Total Body Workout of the Day 5/2/11: TRX Row, Single Leg Squats, Push & Rotate, Single Leg Deadlift, Battle Ropes,

5/2 Fat Loss Workout – Total Body Workout of the Day: TRX Row, Single Leg Squats, Push & Rotate, Single Leg Deadlift, Battle Ropes,

*Perform the following in a group
1. Squats: 10
2. Single Leg Squats: 5 Each Leg
2. Inchworm: 5 *See video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ncHhj4FjFE
3. Walking Single Leg Deadlift: 10 each *Hinge from hip and try to touch ground keeping back straight *alternate legs
4. March–>High Knee Skip–>High Knee Run–>Forwards Jog–>Backward Jog–> Lateral Shuffle–> Carioca (10 Yards Each)* Perform drills for about 10 yards and then jog to half court line and then jog back to start. Perform 2x each. *The goal for the first three drills is to do as many foot contacts as possible in 10 yards *Arm drive is key *drive foot into ground with toes up-land on ball of the foot
5. Group Relay Drill -Liners to Half Court (5x Each) *Groups of 3-4 people to allow adequate rest

Unilateral WOD: Perform the following exercises in a circuit for 40s each for 2-3 rounds

TRX One Arm Row (20s each side) *No rotation on this one
Plate Singe Leg Deadlift (20s each side) *Hinge from hip and try to touch ground keeping back straight
Dynamic Side Plank with Groin *Top Foot on Matt (20s on each side) *Modify by bending knees, doing side plank on ground or putting bottom foot on bleacher to take off weight. *Go up & down
Lateral Side Step (can use bosu or big matt) *Stay Low
Push and Rotate with Band (20s each side) *Attach so it is chest height
Battle Ropes: Standing One Arm Rotation (20s each side) *Move from core *Pivot feet *Visualize taking someone’s neck and throwing it to the group-great UFC exercise*Should need rest so only 30s *2 people per rope
Single Leg Matt Squat (20s each side) *Raise up height as needed
If you can’t see the video above go to: SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp BLOG

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NEW Burlingame Fit  Body Boot Camp: 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Grand Opening Promotion

In Health, Fitness & Vitality,


Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach


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