
Burlingame Fitness Center 9/20/11-Fat Burning Core Workout

Burlingame Fitness Center  9/20/11-Fat Burning Core Workout

Cardio: Obstacle Course (3 min) *Repeat After Each Round of Core Exercises

Work: Perform the following exercises in a GROUP for 1 min each for 3 sets (leader leads all campers at the same time). Make sure core is engaged and posture is good.

1. Quadruped-Elbow to Opposite Knee (30s each side) *Reach up, look at hand & squeeze shoulder blades at top of movement *Bring elbow to opp. knee and squeeze core at bottom of movement
2. Fire Hydrants (30s each side) *On all 4’s similar to above *Keep back flat *Use stick to show ideal posture
3. Supine Lower Abdominal  *Lift pelvis off ground *Hands behind head
4. Side Leg Raises (30s each side) *Keep core tight
5. Side Lying Groin Raises (30s each side)
6. Supine Bicycle Crunches
7. Supine Bridge with Leg Cross-Over (30s each side) *Keep hips up & level
8. Prone Hip Extension *Lift thighs off ground
9. Plank with Leg Up *Alternate lifting one leg up about 1 inch *Stay Tight

*Obstacle Course (3 min)

Cool Down: Static Stretching

If you can’t see the video above go to:  Boot Camp Workout BLOG

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