
Word of the Week: AMBITION

Vector typography poster design concept

The word of the week is Ambition.

Ambition is a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work.

What are your ambitions right now?

“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” Salvador Dali

We are taking on 5 new coaching clients on 11/11  for the 42 Day Mind & Body Makeover Challenge. This is the first 6 weeks of our 1:1 Success Coaching Program. If you have been trying to get healthy and fit on your own and you are now ready to allow us to help you, we are ready to coach you to success.

Set up a strategy session for our new personalized coaching program here: 1:1 Success Coaching.

Have a great week!

For past words of the week: Word of the Week

Your friend & coach,


Telephone: 650-654-4604

About Brien



Our next “42 Day Ultimate Mind & Boy Challenge​” is starting Monday 10/21 and there is still time to register, CLICK HERE​ to learn more!  This is our online Fitness, Nutrition and Accountability Program that has my average female clients losing 10-15 pounds & 3-5% Body Fat while building lean muscle (aka “getting toned”) in just their first 42 Days.

Everything can be done at home and by remote coaching as well, so you don’t have to be able to make it to the gym every day to get results.

#wordoftheweek #coachbrienshamp #brienshampfitbodybootcamp