
Boot Camp Fitness San Carlos 8/23/12- Get Your Lower Abs With This Core-Cardio Workout

Boot Camp Fitness San Carlos 8/23/12-  Get Your Lower Abs With This Core-Cardio Workout
Warm-Up: Floor Stretches (5 min) & Review of 3 Part Breathing & Abdominal Drawing In Maneuver *Explain that drawing in the belly, engaging bladder and imprinting the spine into the floor is the key set-up prior to all movements
Phase 2: None
Phase 3: None
Cardio Speed Work (Goal is to stay aerobic-recovery day. Emphasize nose breathing and controlled breathing)
·       Toes up, land on ball of foot
·       Drive elbows, hands should go cheek to cheek- keep arms at 90
·       Maintain good posture- look straight ahead
·       Explode/react  off the ground
10 Yard Running Drills (Perform each drill 2-4x):
  1. Forward Jog *Cue to push backwards into the ground to go forwards. *Go half court at Menlo
  2. Backwards Jog *Hinge from hips *Cue to push forwards into the ground to go backwards. *Go half court at Menlo
  3. High Knee March *Goal is to work on stride frequency (quick leg turnover) so explode off the ground *Land with toes up on ball of the foot *Arm drive helps the leg drive
  4. High Knee Run *Goal is to work on stride frequency (quick leg turnover) so explode off the ground *Land with toes up on ball of the foot *Arm drive helps the leg drive
  5. High Knee Skip *Goal is to work on stride frequency (quick leg turnover) so explode off the ground *Land with toes up on ball of the foot *Arm drive helps the leg drive
  6. Lateral Push-Off *Start in athletic position and perform a lateral step to the right by pushing with the left foot to go laterally to the right (for every action there is an opposite reaction)à hold back in athletic position and repeat (kind of like a one leg lateral hop) *Not a speed drill, but a power drill (Repeat on other side)
  7. Lateral Shuffle  *Start in athletic position *Goal is quick feet
  8. Carioca *Start in athletic position *Goal is quick feet
*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 50s work time, 10s rest, 6 sets
Alternate the following 6 core-cardio exercises two at a time for 3 rounds, 50s each with 10-15s transition time:
  1. Lower Ab Curl Up-Knee Up  *MB Btw knees
  2. Glider Leg Curls: *Curl heels to butt as butt rises in air *Toes up *Hold for 2s *Do 1 leg at a time while maintaining bridge to make easier *Use hands as needed to help
  3. Body Rock Leg Raises on Elbows *3B’s *Go lower to make harder  *Keep chest up with shoulders back & down
  4. Swiss Ball Side Crunch- 25s Each Side *Bring ball towards hip to make harder and to increase range of motion *Keep chest up with shoulders back & down *Squeeze shoulder blades *Hold squeeze at top for 2s and go all the way down
  5. Knee Hugs *3 B’s *Start by laying on your back with your arms open and legs just a few inches off of the ground (raise legs higher to make easier and bend knees). Squeeze your abs and sit up to hug your knees. Avoid touching ground *Modify with one leg
  6. Kneeling MB Figure 8’s *3Bs *Squeeze MB and bring ball in front of chest in a horizontal figure 8 pattern while maintaining stability *Extend arms to make harder
*Add additional core if time: Jog/Walk
Circle Time-Cool Down Stretches: 5 min
If you can’t see the video above go to: Boot Camp BLOG
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