
Boot Camp Fitness San Mateo 4/18/13- Spring Cardio Workout!

Boot Camp Fitness San Mateo 4/18/13- Spring Cardio Workout!

Warm-Up: Floor Stretches (5 min) & Review of 3 Part Breathing & Abdominal Drawing In Maneuver *Explain that drawing in the belly, engaging bladder and imprinting the spine into the floor is the key set-up prior to all movements

Phase 2: None

Phase 3: Obstacle course: 5 min

*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 40s work time, 10s rest, 3-4 sets

*3B’s= Draw in belly towards spine, engage bladder muscles and tuck butt

*2B’s= Draw in belly towards spine & engage bladder muscles

Core Workout: There are 4 stations of core exercises below with two exercises in each station. Alternate the two exercises in each station for 3-4 rounds before moving onto next station. Perform each exercise for 40s and rest for 10s between exercises.


Supine Lower Ab Curl w/ Pull Up Hang *Modify with supine  lower ab curl *Perform outside at studio

Supine Combo Crunch *Alt sides *Keep 3 B’s




TRX Hip Drop or MB Kneeling Side Bend *Place ball on top of head *3B’s *Shoulder back & down – squeeze shoulder blades
MB Seated Russian Twist *2B’s *Sit on sit bones *Shoulder back & down *Rotate from core




Band or Rip Trainer Standing Trunk Rotation (20s Each Side) *Arms straight *Shoulders back & down *Rotate from core
Prone Flutter Kick *Can use swiss ball *2B’s *Shoulder back & down


Glider Leg Curls *Hips up & level *3B’s

Glider Kneeling Roll Out *Keep 3 B’s *Move from hips *Shoulder back & down


*Run/Walk: 5 Min


Circle Time-Cool Down Stretches: 5 min

If you can’t see the video above go to: Boot Camp BLOG

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