
FBBC and Burlingame Fit Core/Cardio Workout 4/26/11: TRX, Ball Chops, Lower Abs, Medicine Ball, Cobras, Speed Ladders

4/26 Core/Cardio Workout: TRX, Ball Chops, Lower Abs, Medicine Ball, Cobras, Speed Ladders

*We will be doing 6 core/cardio stations -2 min each for 3 sets for and then cardio at the end.

Perform the following stations for 2 min each for 3 rounds (36 min). You will see that there are 2 exercises in the 2 min period. There should be a quick transition between exercises. Have them work in partners in the circuit. There should be 2-4 people in each station.

1.TRXPike (60s) and TRX Leg Curls (60s) *Pike is a straight leg movement *Jack Knife is Bent Knees *Use ball to make easier
2. Jumping Twists (60s) & Jumping Jack Cross-Over (60s) *Twist from the waist
3.Ball Chops (60s) and Cobra Hold (60s  hold) *Keep lower back in contact with ball on crunch-keep tension on abdominals *Keep legs on the ground for cobra and thumbs externally rotated so they feel a stretch in pecs-pull shoulders down & back
4.Ladder Drill: Lateral Forward Two –Back Two (60s each side)
5.Lower Abdominal (LA) Knee Ups with MB Between Knees (60s) and Butt Pinchers (60s) *For LA, knees should go straight up for those that can-if not curl
6.MB Side Facing Trunk Rotations (60s each side) *This movement should progress into an explosion-high intensity

Walk/Run/Jog (5-10 minutes) *Do whatever you want here for cardio

If you can’t see the video above go to: SF Bay Area Fit Body Boot Camp BLOG

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Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach



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