
Getting a little personal today…

I had a conversation with a client the other day, and I realized that I needed to open up and share something personal. 

You might not know this about me but [share something about your relationship with fitness or wellness – that you used to beg to get out of gym class, that you grew up doing Richard Simmons video workouts with your mom in your living room, or that you struggled with a mindset/wellness issue like anxiety or gut issues. Maybe you loved sports but hated the training they required, or you have (or have not) been interested in health/wellness for your entire life].

In fact, [explain a pivotal moment or use an anecdote to describe it. “I faked a backache to get a doctor’s note” … “used to dream of starring in my own exercise video” … “went through a time when I didn’t work out at all.” “watched a family member struggle.” “spent years looking for a solution.”]

[Go a little deeper about how this affected your life/mindset/etc. – why it matters to you. Again, maybe you or a family member/friend had a health issue … it brought you confidence … “Looking back now, I realize I disliked gym class because I was the smallest/youngest kid in the family, and gym class always brought out my insecurities.” “But no matter how hard I tried or how fit I got, it wasn’t enough,”

“Because of my anxiety, I didn’t even want to leave the house.” etc. And/but then … [explain a transformational moment that happened for you. “I finally realized that becoming fitter and stronger had a powerful impact on my mindset, giving me the confidence I needed to take that next step.” “I found that my anxiety began to dissipate when I worked out.” “I am so fortunate that I actually DO get to make exercise videos now as a coach .. talk about full-circle!”]

This is why I am so passionate about doing what I do – because I get to help [who you help: busy moms, stressed executives, people struggling with body issues, etc.] and how you help them [gain energy, get into the best shape of their lives, lose bodyfat, feel confident, etc.].

I know firsthand what this journey feels like … and [explain an essential truth: it doesn’t take hours and hours a week … or revamping your entire life.] It DOES take [working with your body and not against it, targeted training, intentional nutrition, focusing on what makes you feel better vs. leaves you feeling drained, etc.]

If you’re ready to make a real change, Ready to take the next step in your health & fitness journey?  Text “priority” to 650-514-6679 

It’s time to reach those goals – once and for all,

Coach Brien
