
Group Fitness Trainer San Carlos Boot Camp 10/4/13: Body weight 6 Station Total Body Workout‏

Group Fitness Trainer San Carlos Boot Camp 10/4/13: Body weight 6 Station Total Body Workout

3 Phase Warm-Up:

Phase 1:  Foundation Mobility Training (5 Min)

*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 30s work time, 5s rest, 6 total sets for Phase 2

Phase 2: Core (Perform the following movements for 30s in a circuit with a 5s transition for 2 Sets (Total Time: 3:30)

1.    Supine Vertical Scissors *Educate about core stability here -breathing and 3 B’s (Belly, Butt, Bladder) *Bring legs lower to make harder *Crunch upper body  to make harder-tongue on roof of mouth *Count 1-2-3-1, etc. as a group for 30s *Bring the energy!

2.    Dancing Crab: *On all 4’s in bridge position with hips–> extend hips and squeeze butt as you reach with right hand to left foot–> bring hips down a little and repeat on opposite side *Relax shoulders *Bridge for modification

3.    Hindu Push-Ups  *Start in push up position and lead with head, nose and chin in scooping motion–>hold cobra position and go back to downward dog *3B’s *Lock shoulders back & down *Elbows In *Hinge from the hip  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ndOPrcoUt8 *educate about #2

Phase 3: Primal Movements-Perform the following movements for 5 reps *Goal is blood flow, not max effort

1.    Prisoner Squats *Squeeze butt for 2 s at the top of movement *Down slow and explode up *Shoulders back & down *Squeeze shoulder blades *Hinge from the hip *Get low *2B’s *educate about #1

2.    Prone Plank Triceps Extensions *Start in plank position and extend elbows *Hold extension at top of movement and squeeze *Go to knees as needed *3B’s *educate about #6

3.    Single Leg Deadlifts (5 per side) *Squeeze butt at top-hold for 2 s *Core tight  *Shoulders back & down *Squeeze shoulder blades *Reach towards the ground *3B’s *educate about #3

*Review WOD below during Phase 2 & 3 above and assign campers stations for the WOD below. After Phase 3 boot campers immediately transition to WOD. They can get water at any time on their own.

WOD: Perform the following (6 Station) Primary Movements (PM) below for 30s intervals and follow with Active Rest Movement (ARM) for 30s for 4 sets each station, then rotate to next station. All Boot Campers will perform same ARM as a group; however, you can accommodate twice as many campers if half the group does the PM and the other half does ARM. Transition time is 5s between PM & ARM and so they need to move quickly.  


*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 30s work time, 5s rest, 6 sets, 30s transition time after all 4 sets are complete for PM & ARM

PM (30s x 4 Sets):

1.    Prisoner Squats *Work on speed if mechanics are good *Shoulders back & down *Squeeze shoulder blades *Hinge from the hip *Get low *2B’s

2.    Hindu Push-Ups  *Start in push up position and lead with head, nose and chin in scooping motion–>hold cobra position and go back to downward dog *3B’s *Lock shoulders back & down *Elbows In *Hinge from the hip  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ndOPrcoUt8

3.    MB Single Leg Deadlifts (2 sets per side) *Squeeze butt at top-hold for 2 s *Core tight *Squeeze ball to stabilize core *Shoulders back & down *Squeeze shoulder blades *Hinge from hip *3B’s *Flat back

4.    Inverted Rows (AKA Fat Man Rows) or TRX Wide Rows or Rope Climbs (gymnastics locations) *Lock shoulders back & down *Squeeze shoulder blades and hold at top of movement

5.    Walking Sprinter Lunge *Opposite arm & leg drive with elbows *Drive foot into ground to get out of lunge *Keep 3 B’s *Hinge from hip

6.    Prone Plank Triceps Extensions  *Start in plank position and extend elbows *Hold extension at top of movement and squeeze *Go to knees as needed *3B’s *San Carlos, Burligname and Studio: Equalizer Triceps Extension

ARM (30s x 4 Sets):

*Perform one movement after the other in a circuit

1)    Deck Squat Burpees *Explode up *Keep 3 B’s *Maintain plank *Use mats to make deck squat easier or just have them do burpees

2)    High Knee Run w/Red Light-Green Light *Coach cues campers to go fast on green light and slow on red light *Toes up *3B’s

3)    Fast jog in place

4)    Lateral Shuffle w/non-Verbal Cues *Coach cues campers to go right or left by using hand signals instead of verbal cues

5)    Forward Back Jacks  *Toes up *Arms do normal jumping jump action and feet do jumping split squat action *Jump for quickness, not power *3B’s

6)    Cardio of choice *Show me your best dance moves 🙂

*Reduce 4th set of cardio as needed for time

Circle Time: Cool down & stretch (5 minutes)

If you can’t see the video above go to: Boot Camp BLOG

Please add your comments below on the workout.

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