
Health, Vitality & Fat Loss Equation For FAST Success- Energy Intake vs. Energy Output

Many of you have heard that my Father In Law, Mort had a stroke last week and was in ICU until yesterday. He is now in acute rehab in the next phase of care and doing very well. Thank you for all of your prayers.

I was shocked when I looked at the ingredients of the so called “food” the nurse brought to him.

Actually, I wasn’t shocked too much because that is the majority of food we all tend to eat these days, unless high quality food is a priority for you.

This is the same food fed to us in all the chain restaurants in most of the cities we live in.

Have you noticed that regardless of where you go every city is starting to look the same? Similar chain stores and restaurants: In & Out Burger, KFC, Burger King, Best Buy, Target, BJ’s, Starbucks, Pete’s, Olive Garden, Cheesecake Factory, Mimi’s, etc.

I am not going to go into why every city looks just like home now days, but I am very concerned about the “food” they are nourishing us with.

The majority of this “food” is now loaded with hormones and antibiotics and the quality is poor. This has the potential of throwing your hormones out of balance and increasing your likelihood of immune issues.

The quality of food is poor given the animals you are eating were once sick and malnourished with cancer, diabetes, auto-immune issues, heart disease, etc. These are the same diseases and conditions we get when we do not live an optimal lifestyle with a high quality food source, clean water, quality sleep and daily movement.

Given the poor health of the animal the cheap “food” is heated to very high temperatures to ensure death to the bad bacteria that could be associated with the sick animal. Along with death to the bad bacteria, enzyme activity diminishes after 116 degrees and enzymes are totally destroyed at 220 degrees. For this reason, it is always preferable to cook food as little as possible and at as low a temperature as possible, if you want to get the most nutrition from the foods you are eating (Bill Wolcott, Developer of Metabolic Typing). For more go to: Fat Loss Tip #17- Cook High Quality Food As Little As Possible

It is all a cycle. My mentor Paul Chek, calls it the Wheel of Death. Animals consume CRAP “food” designed to make them bigger and fatter (heavier the animal the more money it is worth) which is loaded with chemicals and genetically altered ingredients–> animals get hormones and antibiotics–>animals get sick–> humans eat animals and get sick–> humans suffer and go to doctor to get medications to manage symptoms of pain–>pharmaceutical companies make massive profit on front & back end with animals and humans.

You may have heard the saying, you are what you eat, but we are really a product of what the animals ate.

This cycle has led many to become vegans & vegetarians.

Simple enough right?

Just get rid of the animal proteins and we will all be healed!

Nope, not that simple.

There are still pesticides, fungicides, insecticides and other toxic chemicals in non-animal based foods. In addition, now days unless labeled organic most of the food is genetically altered. Hopefully, this will be on labels soon. Please vote for this in the upcoming election.

Here is a great article from Dr. Mercola on the dangers of eating genetically modified foods: Eight Foods You Should Almost Never, Ever Eat

Every time we eat we have the opportunity to increase or decrease STRESS to the physiology. If you are attempting to heal like Mort, you do not want to increase stress to the body with poor quality food, toxic chemicals and genetically altered ingredients.

We want our food to give us energy rather than take our energy.

Do you ever feel worse after you eat (lack of motivation, focus, gassy, bloated, heartburn)?

If food gave you energy the way it used to in the past you would be in your peak state more often.

Healing, health, vitality and fat loss involves a simple equation of ENERGY INTAKE vs. ENERGY OUTPUT- Fat Loss Tip #38.

Are you energy depleted like most of the people I meet daily?

Think about how much energy is taken from you each day:

  1. Family- especially those younger kids that scream and deprive you of sleep 🙂
  2. Job
  3. Friends
  4. Media
  5. Politics
  6. Technology
  7. Food
  8. Caffeine
  9. Alcohol
  10. Medical drugs & over the counter medications
  11. Late nights
  12. High intensity exercise
  13. Over-commitment
  14. Negative thoughts
  15. Toxic environments
  16. Poor digestion
  17. Hormonal imbalances

Now, here are the things that give you energy:

  1. Meditation/Prayer
  2. Clean water
  3. Certified organic food
  4. Sleep
  5. Movement
  6. Acupuncture/Acupressure/Chi Gong/Tai Chi/Reiki
  7. Loving relationships with good communication
  8. Positive thoughts
  9. Sunshine

The body heals much faster when energy intake is greater than output!

I guarantee that most of you will find more of the items above depleting your energy rather than energizing you.

As you can see health & vitality is not just about food; however, what you eat has a significant effect given we tend to ingest foods and liquids multiple times a day.

Check out Fat Loss Tip #36: Myth That Needs To Be Addressed “You Can Eat Anything In Moderation”

By the way, we cooked almost every meal for Mort to speed up his recovery.

For more info check out:

Fat Loss Tip #15- Eat real Food To Get Lean
Fat Loss Tip #37: Eat Out Less and Prepare To Eat In More Often!

Your friend & coach,


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