

7 Daily Primal Needs

Many of you know that I am working on a book and the title/subtitle is very important!

Can you please give me your feedback?

Some of you have known me for 10+ years and could probably write the book better that me  🙂

What do you think of this…


Subtitle: An Individualized Approach to Weight Loss and Vitality for Life!

Other possible titles:

  • MOVE
  • M.O.V.E.
  • M.O.V.E. System
  • M.O.V.E Transformation System
  • 6 Weeks To Your Best Self

Other possible subtitles:

•Breathe, Hydrate, Sleep, Eat, Love, Grow & Move
•The Personalized Weight Loss & •Transformation Challenge That Will Change Your Life!
•The 6 Week – Personalized Weight Loss & Transformation Challenge That Will Change Your Life!
•An Individualized Approach to Weight Loss and Health for Life!
Weight Loss & Transformation Challenge
•6 Week Weight Loss & Transformation Challenge
•6 Weeks To Your Best Self!
•Learn the 6 Week Weight Loss & Transformation System
•The last weight loss program you’ll ever need
•Not just another weight loss program
Other combo’s of the above.

The book will talk about the system we came up with to define what we do to create safe and fast weight loss and improved health & well-being:

M- Mindset *Your Emotional STATE (sec by sec) plays a role in all that you do. When you operate at a higher emotional state you will be resourceful and find the right strategies to solve the challenges in your life. This is the key to sucesss and living a happy, healthy life!

O- Observation *Rather than just following the advice of a so-called expert you must learn to listen to your body’s clues and become aware of what YOU really need. You need to slow down life, take deep breaths and discern more often. Your observations or awareness allows us to personalize the challenge for your needs, so there is less guessing. Testing your weight and body fat weekly also allows us to fine tune your program.

V- Victories *When you slow down life and take the time to perform daily, deep breathing, it is important to reflect and celebrate all of the victories you have been gifted. Whether your day seems like a challenge or a victory is based upon YOUR mindset. Without observation and celebration of your daily victories life becomes a long to do list and lacks joy and happiness. Everyday there is an opportunity to celebrate your Victories. When you become aware of your victories you will avoid focusing on all the things you don’t have or still need to do.

E-Education *The education in the M.O.V.E. System will focus on the 7 Primal Needs Coaching Model: https://brienshamp.com/primal-needs/ When in doubt (pain, depressed, stressed, anxious, digestive complaint, weight gain, etc) ask yourself how are you doing with your 7 primal needs. The first 4 needs are the most important for health & well-being. There will be many strategies for all 7 primal needs, so you can add these rituals to your daily life.

The book will include many real success stories who overcame common challenges. Some will include:

Bill Cheney- Bill lost 61 pounds in 4 months by simply changing his nutrition, observation and mindset. He did not change his exercise program.
Fred Ehlers- Fred lost 150 lbs. over 8 years and has been very successful going from 400+ pounds to 250. He will share his challenges and mindset for success.
Heena- Heena lost 20 pounds in 6 weeks and continues to progress post 6 week challenge. I will share a great story on her need for dairy, why she stopped drinking her daily cup of milk and how she lost weight & fat soon after.
Cindy Murphy- Cindy lost 5% body fat in 6 weeks. I will share her story about a small cheat of yogurt and how it increased her weight and body fat.
Juan- Juan lost 41 pounds and 5.2% body fat in 6 weeks without counting calories or being hungry. He is my most amazing transformation to date. It’s amazing what can be accomplished in only 6 weeks.
Victoria- Victoria lost 20 pounds, 6.6% body fat and 4 dress sizes in only 6 weeks. She made herself a priority!
Clara- Clara lost 14 pounds and 1% on the Omron bioimepedance device we use to measure body fat and weight. When we measured her weight and body fat on our Fit3D Body Scanner it showed a fat loss of 5.3% body fat. That is a loss of over 2 dress sizes!!!
My 6 week challenge transformation story…. I am on my 5th week now. I have been sitting more than moving, my back and hips have been hurting and I gained 6% body fat in the last year. I have made a lot of changes in my rituals in the last 4 weeks and it has paid off. I will share my transformation in the book  🙂

Many more…

I will share what I have learned from coaching thousands of people in the last 28 years, but more importantly what I have learned in the last year of coaching 1200+ people.

I never thought the results we are getting regularly now were possible in only 6 weeks. I will give you realistic expectations on what can be achieved if you follow the M.O.V.E. System.

I would love to hear your feedback.

Please get back to me when you can.

Thank you!
