
New Year’s REVOLUTION Transformation Challenge Starts Monday!

I love helping people achieve improved health and fitness, especially those that say, “I have tried everything!” Maybe it’s the challenge of helping people that feel they have exhausted their resources? But I truly believe you can achieve whatever you want, whenever you want it!

Unfortunately, many don’t achieve what they want because of their limiting beliefs and they don’t have a good coach or support system.

I have been coaching my clients to success for 27 years and I am only getting started. Seriously, each day I do my best to be better than I was yesterday and that means I am always improving my systems to give you faster & safer fat loss, health and fitness results.

This week I met with my technology team in San Diego and we discussed how to improve support systems even more for our clients. Today I am meeting with some of the top fitness professionals in the world and will bring home EVEN MORE value for you.

Last weekend I was in LA getting certified for FitRanX, which is our NEW Fitness Level Ranking System. Constant and Never Ending Improvement (CANI) is always on my mind for both you and me.

There are countless ways we provide value to our coaching clients, but most importantly our clients know we care and will support them in any way possible. Much of my work these days is done with groups. I have found group training to be a better model than one on one training for most people. It’s also much, much, less expensive.

My personal training clients pay me $150 per hour for one session and my group training clients pay approximately $200 per month to attend unlimited sessions per week (even less with longer term plans). Most of our group training clients come to our program approximately 3 times per week. Some even come 6 days a week to follow my structured, but entertaining programs 🙂

There is also constant variety so they don’t get bored. They receive support from my coaching staff and myself at any time (not just during workout sessions). Besides the education, motivation and structure we provide in our workout sessions we coach our clients outside “gym time” on more important topics such as breathing/meditation, hydration, sleep, food & supplementation, relationships, and personal development.

Exercise by itself is important to do daily, but you will really get fast and LONG TERM results when you understand and implement your other 6 daily needs as described in my coaching model here:

7 Daily Primal Needs

This holistic model of coaching is why we are able to help those who have told me “I have tried everything!” If you feel as if you have tried everything I encourage you to join our New Years Revolution 6-Week Transformation Challenge starting this coming Monday, February 13,2017

In this challenge you will be supported to achieve your fat loss, health and fitness goals. You even have my guarantee that I will not be another person on your list you associate with “I have tried everything!” If you feel our program is not for you and have truly given it your all I will give you your money back at any time. For more details and to register just click on the button below:

Join Our New Year’s REVOLUTION 6-Week Transformation Challenge!

Have a great weekend! Your friend & coach,


PS: We’re still giving away free 6-week transformation boot camp memberships! Enter our drawing to win 6 free weeks of boot camp! We chose two lucky winners this past Monday 🙂

Enter the Drawing Now to WIN!

Try out the Fit Body Boot Camp Afterburn Workout for 21 days. You’ll see why we’re rated the best in the Bay Area! 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program Boot Camp Trial

Fit Body Boot Camp is the only 30 minute group personal training program that’s fun, affordable, gives you fat loss results and challenges your body every time. Best of all, we guarantee you’ll be happy with the results or you get your money back.

The boot camp sessions are approximately 45-50 minutes long. Each session includes a 10-15 minute warm up phase with mobility and core movements to prepare you for the 30 minute metabolic workout, and then it ends with a 5 minute cool down phase.

Telephone: 650-654-4604
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