
OFLC Testimonial-Ana H

“Since you mentioned in your newsletter that you like to hear from people, I thought I’d take the time to let you know that I’m very excited so far in my short relationship with Optimal Fitness. It is very clear to me that I got way more value out of the signup fee than I paid — the insight about my feet being flat alone was worth every cent. I’ve been working very hard on the home fitness work that Kyle walked through with me on my first session with him — and I was very surprised to discover how attending to the 9 points on my feet, making sure I was holding up my arches, and learning the grounding position added up to a surprise transformation of my balance.

My kids love to launch themselves onto my back for a piggy back ride from the tops of chairs and beds and instead of being thrown off by these leaps and scolding them, I can now ground my body and they can leap all they want without throwing me off.

My training workout with Kyle gave me great confidence in his skill and the overall approach that Optimal Fitness takes to my strengthening–and I feel sure that I’ll soon overcome the injuries that I incurred while working out with my other trainer. In particular, I found the bio-feedback aspects of the workout valuable–the stick he used to show me how to properly set my core and pull my head back–his little insights about using the headrest in my car as an indicator of correct positioning for my head while driving. He also took the time to give me a view into his goals for the workouts–why we were doing certain exercises and where we were heading.

And finally, the SP cleanse… I just jumped into that rather scared, but unwilling NOT to try it and give my best effort to working with Optimal. For me the products are miraculous–in particular the SP Complete. It has been many many years since I remember approaching the day feeling completely calm in relationship to my food intake. It has been a series of sugar lows, extreme hunger and desperately random efforts to quiet the lack of energy and extreme hunger with caffeine, bread, chocolate, protein, fat… whatever.  I keep looking at the ingredients and nutritional label of that 90 calorie plus fruit shake and thinking what the heck is in here that I was missing in my diet? I don’t think I’ll ever know what it is, but I’m just grateful for its existence and the new confidence that eating just raw fruits and vegetables, some cooked veggies, a few healthy oils and those shakes is giving me. I’ve been out with friends who are eating pizza (a personal favorite), drinking, everything and for me it has been not so difficult to order some raw veggie salad and have it work for me because I’m just not hungry. (I dropped a pant size–can that really be possible in less than a week?)

Anyway, there’s my tome of appreciation to you and your staff. For the first time in a long while I feel genuinely connected to the possibility of obtaining all my goals I wrote glumly and hopelessly on my forms for you. I’m still scared–to me it seems like a long way off for me to be able to hold my core firm and breathe and walk all at the same time (not to mention actually obtaining and mainting the physical size I rememer feeling great at oh so long ago…) But like I said, for the first time in a long time I’m seeing that it might actually be possible… Aloha”

~ Ana H.

If you have been trying to get healthy and fit on your own and you are now ready to allow us to help you, we are ready to coach you to success.

Set up a strategy session for our new personalized coaching program here: 1:1 Success Coaching.

Let me know if you need any help.

Questions? Please comment below or call/text us at 650-514-6679.

Contact us to set up a strategy session for our new personalized coaching program here: https://www.iamapriority.com/

Your friend & coach,

Telephone: 650-514-6679
About Brien

P.S. I’m only a call or email away to assist you in creating LIFE BALANCE.  Let’s talk more>>> https://www.iamapriority.com/