
Sedona Hotel Gym Workout with Personal Trainer, Brien Shamp

Happy Sunday From Sedona,

I hope you are well. My wife, Chris & I are here in Sedona on a relaxing trip away from reality for a week. Ninety degrees with beautiful scenery everywhere you go. It has been tough to get workouts in, given that we have been driving, flying, hanging with the family and getting adjusted to life on the road away from home. Yesterday, we went to New Frontiers Natural Market in Sedona and got our staples for the week. Spent a ton of money, but still way cheaper than eating out every night. Love New Frontiers by the way. Blows Whole Foods big time.

I was impressed by the gym here…everything I needed and more to get some quick workouts in. If you are wondering why I need to get quick workouts in, let me tell you:

  1. I am on a vacation and there are many more things to do here beside working out.
  2. Chris can’t stand the gym right now given her energy is low with pregnancy and she wants to hang out with me 🙂
  3. Long workouts are not needed. All you need is 15-30 minutes of high intensity movements 3x/week.
  4. Why be inside…have you been to Sedona?
  5. What’s the point? I am looking to stay fit and healthy, not be on stage.

I figure many of you are like me when you go on vacation (want a quick workout but don’t want to spend tons of time in the gym), so I decided to videotape my workout to give you some ideas for your vacations.

The goal of my first workout was to do a total body blast  in 20 minutes given it has been about 4 days since I did any real intense movement. Check out the video below:

Here is my warm-up:

  1. Forward Lunges with Arm Raise
  2. Burpees
  3. Squats
  4. Wide grip Pull-Ups


  1. Push & Rotate
  2. Side Lunges
  3. Close Grip Pull-Ups
  4. DB Squats
  5. Dips
  6. Step-Ups

Core Cool Down:

  1. Ball Crunches
  2. Leg Curls with Ball

All exercises were done for 10 Reps.

In health & fitness,



650-654-4604 (w)
