
Simple Enough, Right?

Not happy with your body?

It’s hardly your fault.

Have you ever stopped to notice how many times you’re bombarded by food marketing each day?

Ads come at you from magazine pages, T.V. commercials, on websites and billboards, each boasting of cheap, convenient and tasty ways to cure your hunger.

The question “What’s for dinner?” has never been more complex than now.

Extensive menu options and large entrees have distorted your concept of a proper meal, and before you know it you’ve fallen into the trap of the chain restaurant, the drive thru, and the take-out line.

But wait – truly healthy eating is simple.

First, block out the blizzard of food marketing around you.

Remember that advertisers want your money, and they don’t stop to consider if the food they promote will expand your waist – that’s your job.

It’s safe to say that, with few exceptions, any food that you see marketed should be avoided. When was the last time you saw an ad for grilled white fish and steamed broccoli?

So what does truly healthy eating look like?

A healthy meal contains only whole, real foods like vegetables, good fats (nuts and seeds, avocados, grass-fed butter, ghee, raw dairy, coconut oil, flax oil, avocado oil, macadamia oil, palm oil, olives, olive oil, coconut and high quality animal proteins and the occasional modest serving of whole grains.

Just as importantly, a healthy meal does NOT contain:

  • Refined sugar / corn syrup
  • Fried / fatty food
  • Pasteurized non or low fat dairy foods (except organic yogurt, but do at least low fat, whole fat is better)
  • Processed food with chemical additives

Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What you decide to eat when you first wake up will set the tone for the rest of your meals that day. Try these healthy options:

  • Scrambled eggs (pastured) cooked in coconut oil, sliced tomato and steamed spinach.
  • Whole grain oatmeal, a scoop of protein powder, cinnamon, grass-fed butter and berries.
  • Homemade breakfast lettuce wrap: Lettuce with organic turkey slices, avocado, tomato and egg.

Healthy Lunch

It is important to plan your lunch ahead of time in order to avoid turning to a fast food joint or vending machine. Pack your lunch the night before and carry it with you. Try these healthy options:

  • Dark baby greens topped with chopped chicken breast, cucumbers, bell peppers, diced tomatoes, and a mixture of olive oil, apple cider vinegar, Dijon, salt & pepper..
  • Albacore wild tuna (packed in water), mixed with finely chopped cucumber, celery, pickles, mustard and olive oil.
  • Lettuce Wrapped Sandwich: Organic turkey slices, lettuce, tomato, guac and mustard.

Healthy Dinner

Dinner is the meal where most people splurge and eat far more calories than they should. Eating at home is the first step in reducing your dinnertime calories. Try these healthy options:

  • Grilled white fish, sautéed spinach, avocado and quinoa.
  • Baked chicken breast, steamed broccoli, grass-fed butter and brown rice.
  • Try the recipe for Cajun Salmon with Roasted Cauliflower and Broccoli below.

While healthy eating is a huge factor in achieving your ideal weight, exercise is the other half of the equation. Your exercise routine should be challenging and should be done on a regular basis.

I know that you have more than enough in your life to think about without having to plan your own exercise routine. Leave that job to me—call or email today to get started on a personalized fitness program that will leave your body no choice but to shed those unwanted pounds.

Your friend & coach,


Try out our Fit Body Boot Camp Afterburn Workout totally FREE with unlimited sessions for 7 days: 1 Week Boot Camp Trial Info

Fit Body Boot Camp is the only 30 minute group personal training program that’s fun, affordable, gives you fat loss results and challenges your body every time. Best of all, we guarantee you’ll be happy with the results or you get your money back.

The boot camp sessions are approximately 45-50 minutes long. Each session includes a 10-15 minute warm up phase with mobility and core movements to prepare you for the 30 minute metabolic workout, and then it ends with a 5 minute cool down phase.

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