
Weight Loss Foster City Boot Camp 11/15/13–Friday 1 Mile and 5 Minute Burpee Challenge

Weight Loss Foster City Boot Camp 11/15/13–Friday 1 Mile and 5 Minute Burpee Challenge

3 Phase Warm-Up:

Phase 1:  Foundation Mobility Training (5 Min)

*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 30s work time, 5s rest, 16 total sets for Phase 2

Phase 2: Core (Perform the following movements for 30s in a circuit with a 5s transition for 2 Sets

1.    Quadruped Elbow to Knee *Bring rt elbow to lt knee as you exhale and  extend & rotate on inhale (RT Elbow & LT Knee) *Relax shoulders *Look at hand *Lock shoulders back & down *Work on rotation *3B’s

2.    Quadruped Elbow to Knee *Bring lt elbow to rt knee as you exhale and  extend & rotate on inhale (LT Elbow & RT Knee) *3B’s

3.    Side Lying Leg Raise (RT Leg) *3B’s *Head back *Lock shoulders back & down

4.    Side Lying Groin (LT Leg) *Bottom legs goes up *3B’s *Head back *Lock shoulders back & down

5.    Side Lying Leg Raise (LT Leg) *3B’s *Head back *Lock shoulders back & down

6.    Side Lying Groin (RT Leg) *3B’s *Head back *Lock shoulders back & down

7.    Supine Bridge with Straight Leg Raise (RT Leg) *Keep hips level *Get a good stretch- toes to nose *3B’s

8.    Supine Bridge with Straight Leg Raise (LT Leg) *Keep hips level *Get a good stretch- toes to nose *3B’s

*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 30s work time, 5s rest, 3 total sets (1 set each movement) for Phase 3

Phase 3: Primal Movements (Perform the following movements for 30s in a circuit with a 5s transition for 1 Set (Total Time: 1:30) *Goal is blood flow, not max effort

1.    Sprinters Lunge *Alt. sides *Opp. arm & leg *Hold for 2s *Explode back to start

2.    Push-Ups *Shoulders back & down-Lock *Educate about core and the need to engage for burpee challenge *Hold at bottom for 2s and explode up *Elbows in

3.    Squats  *Hinge from hip *Hold at bottom for 2s and explode up


1 Mile Run *Record time on sign in sheet *Get those who can to run it hard for time *Others can walk. Others who forgot their shoes can walk inside and do a body weight circuit:

1.     Body Weight Squats-10

2.     Pull-Ups-10

3.     Prisoner Forward Lunges-10 each side

4.     Sit-Ups-10

*Repeat for 15 minutes or until everyone finishes Mile Walk/Run

*For those that finish mile early have them join in on circuit.

*Give 5 minutes rest after run/above circuit before doing Burpee Challenge

5 Min Burpee Challenge *No push-up *Emphasize to keep core tight *Record on sign in sheet *Modify for those that do not want to do challenge or cant: Plank (30s) & Squats (30s) for 5 min

Circle Time- Cool down & stretch (5 minutes)

If you can’t see the video above go to: Boot Camp BLOG

Please add your comments below on the workout.

Try the 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program at Weight Loss Foster City Body Camp for Only $39: www.ShampsBootCamps.com

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