
You Have Got To See This (Please Do Not Delete)

Happy Friday!

I hope you had a great day and are looking forward to the weekend.

We had an awesome workout today at my Boot Camps. We did the Tough Mudder Challenge Day V- many are getting ready for the Tough Mudder in Squaw Valley on September 18th. It is still not too late to sign up for my team: Event Information

I do not have the video and workout for today’s challenge posted yet,  but here the last three Tough Mudder Workouts for you to try at home or your gym:

Tough Mudder IV

Tough Mudder III

Tough Mudder II

Here is what you have to see below:

I have a friend, Billy Beck in Florida that trains “The Rock” and many other actors and professional athletes. I met Billy at the Met-Rx World’s Best Personal Trainer Contest in 1999 and since then we have been sharing ideas to make our business’s better and strategies to help our clients lose body fat the fastest.

Billy has been extremely successful in Florida and like me is open to anything that helps one to achieve results. Even though we have both been in the fitness training industry for years, we know that exercise is only a small part of the puzzle when it comes to achieving optimal health, fitness and vitality.

Billy did an experiment that I have been wanting to do for years and the results are mind blowing. Since, I saw his Blog post I can’t stop thinking about my thoughts and choice of words. I know that my thoughts and the words I say are important and can shape my reality, but wow! You have got to see this. Please take a look at his experiments and share with your friends, family members and co-workers.

If we all created an awareness of our thoughts and words, our lives and the lives around us would be much different. We would all be happy!



Have a great weekend.