
Your Do-Anywhere Turkey-day Workout [print and go] PLUS your personal invite to…

Happy Pre-Thanksgiving Eve!

Whether you are at home or on the road I have a great little workout for you to do tomorrow morning before you start your Thanksgiving Feast or anytime during the long weekend for that matter!

(If you are in town see below for a FREE WORKOUT and a $1300 TRANSFORMATION GIVEAWAY)

Doing this workout will actually help you burn fat instead of gaining it!

Repeat 3-5 times with a 2 min. rest between rounds .

  • Body-weight Squats x 50
  • Push-ups x 40 (optional Knee push ups) *Just hold the plank if you have a shoulder issue
  • Sit-ups x 30
  • Lunges x 20 each leg
  • Burpees x 10

Your metabolism will be turned up in calorie burning overdrive!

But again, if you are in town I *HIGHLY RECOMMEND* you come to the Carlmont Track in Belmont at 8:00am for a FREE workout.

This is what you can look forward to…

Annual FREE Thanksgiving Turkey After-burn Workout

8am tomorrow, Thanksgiving morning (rain or shine)
Don’t be late!

Carlmont High School Track in Belmont

You! That’s who.
Everyone is welcome and it is all free (no catch, no BS). So bring your family and friends and just show up!

RSVP here >>> FREE T Day Afterburn Workout

*Please note, there are no open bathrooms

Please share this invite with your friends and family. All are welcome. if you are not a current client, please sign the waiver here> Online Waiver

In addition to getting a workout, non-members that attend the workout will get 2 entries in our 6 month transformation giveaway ($1300 value). Enter the giveaway here> FREE TRANSFORMATION

Got questions? Just shoot me an email or give me a call 🙂

P.S. Please share my educational content with your friends and family and help me reach my goal of 10,000 subscribers >> Subscribe

Your friend & coach,


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