
Your Top 5 Excuses

I’m calling you out on your favorite excuses for not exercising.

  1. You have no time: Do you have time to sit and watch your favorite shows? Take a long hard look at your schedule and find the time. It’s there if you just look for it.
  2. You have no energy: This excuse will be a non-issue once you’ve been exercising regularly for a couple of weeks. Your energy will build as you become more fit and active.
  3. You have no motivation: Read the above 15 reasons to exercise and find which one motivates you. Do you want to look better? Do you need to fight disease or aches and pains? Find your motivation and run with it.
  4. You’ve failed in the past: I get it; past failures are painful to face. But you haven’t really failed until you give up. Don’t give up on yourself! Go out there a do it.
  5. You don’t know where to begin: No problem. I do know where you should begin. Call or email me today and together we will get your workouts back on track.

Slowly put your excuses down and walk away from them.

Embrace your motivation, and get started.