If you’re on a mission to slim down and tone up then it’s really important to hone your fat loss rather than simply weight loss. Losing pounds feels good, but if those pounds are precious muscle, then you’re actually hurting your overall ability for fat loss. In order to ensure that the weight you’re losing is FAT and not MUSCLE take the following 15 Essential Fat Loss Tips to heart…
Fat Loss Tip #1: Keep Track
Your willingness to track your food intake is equal to your desire to lose fat. Being serious about losing fat means taking note of what you ate, when you ate it, why you ate it, how you felt after you ate it and more. See my daily nutrition record here.
Fat Loss Tip #2: Eat Breakfast
Possibly the most fundamental eating tip of all time, a healthy breakfast with a good protein and fat source will help your body have good calories to burn throughout the a.m. hours, letting you get to lunch without being tempted by that mid-morning doughnut.
Fat Loss Tip #3: Avoid Getting Too Hungry
Dieters often fast until they can’t take it any longer. Unfortunately, many poor choices are made in the heat of the hunger moment. Keep healthy (high protein & fat and low carb) snacks nearby to stave off hunger and drink plenty of water to avoid eating when you should be drinking.
Fat Loss Tip #4: Underestimate Your Routine
Yes, you just pumped iron for an hour and ran six miles. But you probably didn’t burn as many calories as you think. To keep from overeating after a workout, grab a bite immediately after, but make it a small bite. And drink plenty of water. Then wait. Your brain needs time to tell your body it’s full.
Fat Loss Tip #5: Stay Home
Your favorite restaurant may be calling your name, but don’t listen! By cooking your own dinner at home, you’ll sidestep a variety of pitfalls that occur while eating out.
Fat Loss Tip #6: Reduce Alcohol Intake
It helps you relax and—if you drink red wine—can offer health benefits. But alcohol also comes with a lot of useless calories. To avoid having more calories to burn than necessary, skip the bar and grab another glass of water.
Fat Loss Tip #7: Redirect
Sticking with a fat loss plan gets hard. The next time it gets unbearable, grab your phone and walk out of the danger zone (your kitchen) and call a friend or loved one. Ask how life is going or plan a movie night—just talk about whatever will take your mind off the temptation that will ruin your efforts.
Fat Loss Tip #8: Hit the Hay
Remember when your parents gave you a curfew because “Nothing good happens after midnight”? This is particularly true when fat loss is your goal. Get to bed to avoid late-night snacking and help your body function its best!
Fat Loss Tip #9: Go Green (First)
There are lots of good foods out there that you need like protein and fat sources. But don’t let these be the bulk of your diet. Start your meals with something healthy and green to keep your carb count low.
F at Loss Tip #10: Weigh Yourself and Measure Body Fat
You might not like the idea of jumping on the scale, but if you don’t weigh yourself and measure your body fat %, you may not recognize your progress. When you cut the processed foods you don’t need to count calories, but you should count your pounds and body fat and make adjustments to your eating and exercise routines as needed.
Fat Loss Tip #11: Disconnect Diet from Life
Life comes with ups and downs. Your diet should not. When stressed, don’t go to the vending machine. Put on your walking shoes and get going.
Fat Loss Tip #12: Keep the Burn Going
Working out is not supposed to be a walk in the park. To push your body to its potential and to burn more calories, don’t take long breaks between exercises. Rest no more than 30 seconds after an exercise to keep your body shedding calories and pounds.
Fat Loss Tip #13: Goodbye Sugary Sweet
Everyone needs a quick sweet on occasion. Make sure yours is natural, whole fruit rather than regular old sugar. Every day, it seems more research is showing that refined sugars and high-fructose corn syrup increase your likelihood of weight gain more than anything else.
Fat Loss Tip #14: Move Now!
Maintaining a consistent, challenging exercise program is essential for your fat loss, but don’t let that be your only exercise. Build 15-minute windows throughout your day during which you can take a brisk walk. You’ll be more alert at work and the pounds will keep dropping.
Fat Loss Tip #15: Don’t Give Up
You may think it’s too easy a tip to list, but very few people have the will power necessary to keep with a program long enough to see the desired results. Commit yourself today to being one of those few. If you’re not yet one of my esteemed clients then now is the time to join in and experience a whole new level of fitness and fat loss. Reply to this email or give me a call today to get started.
Your friend & coach,
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