
Will You Join My Post Super Bowl Group Detox Next Saturday?

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

Lots of energy out there as we anticipate and prepare for the Super Bowl!

Everywhere I look I see red and gold…t-shirts, sweatshirts, old school Niners jackets, balloons, flags on cars and houses.

Even at church today, the Pastor mentioned that the Ravens were evil and the 49ers were the Holy team, sponsored by God.

Going to any store where they sell food and beverages in the Bay Area is just ridiculous. Anything related to weight gain is a high commodity (alcohol, hot dogs, chips, dip, hamburgers, cookies and more).

I will also be letting go and deviating from my ideal nutrition intake today, but not really because of the Super Bowl.

Starting tomorrow I am going to embark on a 60 day protocol to heal my gut. According to some recent tests I did, I have H. Pylori (over 50% of you also have this bug) and another pathogenic bacteria and a parasite. My biggest complaint over the years has always been related to digestion and based upon the latest tests, I have not yet beat it.

My most significant symptoms are itchy nose, sinus issues, fatigue and toe nail fungus, which led me to do additional testing.

I will be avoiding the following:

  • Added sugars
  • High glycemic fruits (watermelon, mango, pineapple, raisins)
  • All grains
  • Gluten-containing compounds (soy sauce, ketchup, barbecue sauce, processed salad dressings, modified food starch)
  • Dairy
  • Eggs
  • Soy
  • Alcohol
  • Lectins (nuts, beans, soy, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, peanut oil, soy oil, etc.),
  • Coffee
  • Processed foods
  • Canned foods.
    These above foods are associated with gut inflammation, bacteria and parasite proliferation.

If the gut is inflamed, the digestive system doesn’t work properly, so there will not be maximum absorption of nutrients. This will result in fatigue and a loss of vitality. Bloating, systemic inflammation, skin rashes, food sensitivities, constipation, abdominal discomfort and many other diverse symptoms such as headaches, poor mood, joint & muscle pain, etc. will also result.

I know the food list above seems restrictive. It does to me also, but I am going to give it all I have to kill my friends who are taking my nutrients once and for all.

I am not really that bad and I can live with these bugs as most people do. However, I truly want to perform at the highest rate possible and then share how I did it with all of you wanting to so the same.

Here is my approved food list:

  • Most veggies, except tomatoes, potatoes and mushrooms.
  • Fermented foods including sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha tea, coconut yogurt and pickled ginger.
  • All animal proteins.
  • Low glycemic fruits.
  • Coconut based foods.
  • Olives and olive oil.
  • Herbal teas.

I will also be taking an antibiotic and following a specific supplement protocol designed to kill the bugs, reduce gut inflammation and to optimize the good bacteria.

Given I have been in the health & fitness field for 23 years now, I know that even though many of you could also benefit from this gut inflammation protocol, you are not likely to do it. It is expensive, time consuming, lifestyle changing and boring 🙁

So, I have two easier, less time consuming and low cost options for you to also reduce gut inflammation and improve your health…

Group 10 Day Detox or the Group 21 Day Detox

The above programs are effective weight and fat loss tools because you will become aware of which foods are making you feel your best and those foods that are causing you pain. By reducing pain, hormones balance, and weight and fat loss generally occurs.

Besides weight and fat loss, most of my clients also experience at least a 50% reduction in the following:

  1. Digestive complaints (bloating, constipation, heartburn, gas, belching, nausea and diarrhea)
  2. Emotion related complaints (mood swings, anxiety, fear, nervousness, depression, anger and irritability)
  3. Energy related complaints (restlessness, fatigue, insomnia and hyperactivity)
  4. Headaches
  5. Breathing issues (asthma and allergies)
  6. Memory and concentration complaints
  7. Sinus issues, excessive mucous, sneezing, stuffy nose complaints
  8. Skin issues (acne, hives, rashes and hair loss)
  9. Joint and muscle pain
  10. Body fat and weight
  11. Sugar cravings and compulsive eating

That 50% reduction generally occurs in only 10 or 21 days. You can’t do that with exercise, regardless of the program.

Which program should you do?

Summary of 10 Day Group Detox:

  • Medical Detox Program.
  • I have done this with great success for 3 years.
  • Only 10 days.
  • Vegetarian detox, so no animal proteins.
  • Good for those with gut inflammation, related to insufficient animal protein breakdown.
  • Although only 10 days, more restrictive than 21 day program.
  • Average weight loss- 5 pounds for males and females.
  • Less supplements than 21 day programs. Comes with a meal replacement powder and detoxification capsules to assist with toxin removal.
  • Includes program guide, daily email support and a community forum filled with recipes to make your 10 days successful.
  • Regular price $137. On Sale till Friday @ mid-night for only $116.45 (15% OFF)

Summary of 21 Day Detox Program:

  • Medical Detox Program.
  • I have done this with great success for 11 years.
  • 21 days.
  • All animal proteins can be consumed.
  • Good for those with blood sugar related issues (weight gain, belly fat, diabetes, mood problems, anxiety, stress, high blood pressure, etc.).
  • Average weight loss- 10-21 pounds for males and 5-8 for females.
  • Comes with two meal replacement powders for two months, detoxification capsules to assist with toxin removal, green food, a product to assist and support metabolic rate and a product to reduce sugar cravings.
  • Includes program guide, recipe guide, daily email support and a community forum filled with recipes to make your 21 days successful.
  • Can easily adapt program to a lifestyle after the 21 days given the program is not extreme.
  • Regular price $300. On Sale till Friday @ mid-night for only $255.02 (15% OFF)

For more details on the two programs–> Group 10 Day Detox or Group 21 Day Detox

Take my toxicity test here to find out how toxic you are: TOXICITY
There will be a group introduction this Wednesday, February 6th @ 6:30 pm for the 10 Day Detox and Thursday, February 7th @ 12 pm for the 21 Day Detox. Both meetings will be phone conferences, so if you can’t listen to the call live, you can request the recoding.

Here is the call info: Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4000 Participant Access Code: 967323#
You can either purchase the program below now or wait until after the group introduction (discount given at check out):

21 Day Detox

10 Day Detox

The group will start both detox programs on Saturday, February 9th; however, you can start at any time.

50 spots will be available for these post detox programs.
Here are some details about the program that you should know before you commit:

  • You’ll follow the daily model of food eliminations and additions over the detox period, eating as much as you want of the foods that are outlined for you in the program guide. These are not starvation diets. The goal is to eat as much as you want of the highest quality foods. You will check in on the on-line forum daily, your questions will be answered, you will learn new ideas and meet new friends.
  • This has nothing to do with working out, but I do recommend you do some kind of daily movement-anything will do. It’s simple actually – just commit to yourself for 10 – 21 days, be willing to experiment with foods, listen to how your body feels with the elimination and addition of foods we add over the course of the program and the results will come. You will be more sensitive than ever before as you bring different foods in and out of your diet. You will be able to figure out the ideal foods your body feels best on with the 10 – 21 day experiments.
  • You should experience a reduction of carbohydrate and sugar cravings, more energy, better sleep, less stress and a smaller waist.
  • And the eating program I give you will NOT be a liquid diet. There are some shakes included as part of the program, but we are eating real food. It is recommended to eat every 2-3 hours.
  • You will not know foods you are currently eating are a problem until we take them out and add them back in over time. The problem is that we tend to eat the same foods all the time and feel the same way, so it is hard to know what the culprits are unless we remove them for a period of time. We could do food allergy type testing, but that would cost 3 times as much and may only be accurate for a short period of time.

Now here’s the best part of this whole thing… the cost.

I have extended the January Detox Promotion until this Friday, February 8th at mid-night. Both programs are 15%.
You do have some time to think about committing to the program given the start date is February 9th, but think quick if you want to listen to the live pre-detox meetings this Wednesday or Thursday. The last day of the promotion is Friday, February 8th at Midnight PST.
So, if you want to be one of the 50 people to get a deal on these detox programs and to figure out what foods are creating your stress in only 10 – 21 days, then sign up here (discount given at check out):

21 Day Detox

10 Day Detox

Please forward this e-mail to your friends and family members, as this is sure to help them also.
If you have any questions just reply to this email or call me at 650-654-4604 I look forward to detoxing with you!

Your friend & coach,


P.S. Please share my educational content with your friends and family and help me reach my goal of 10,000 subscribers.


Join me on Facebook (click here) for answers to all your health, fitness, and nutrition questions.

Please Write Me a Review on Yelp: Belmont Boot Camp, Burlingame Boot Camp, Personal Training & Nutrition


I work with those who desire weight & fat loss, pain reduction and stress management through comprehensive exercise, nutrition & lifestyle strategies. My dream is to coach those who seek my help live their passions with happiness & love.

Thank you for allowing me to help you.


Check our life-changing fitness and nutrition programs to help you live your healthiest, fittest, and most energetic life ever!


Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach

www.BrienShamp.com www.Shamp’sBootCamps.com www.10 DayDetox.com www.21DayDetox.com
