
Special Announcements – Thursday, 3/28, 5:30am MAKE-UP Class, New Programs and more

Happy Tabata – Hump Day!

This message is to inform all members that there will be a 5:30am make-up class tomorrow morning at Shamp’s Studio in Belmont (248A Harbor Blvd). Unfortunately, Semisi (one of our great Shamp’s Studio instructors) missed class this morning. This was Semisi’s first time ever missing a class in over 3 years, and he simply overslept – which I am sure everyone can understand. We, as well as Semisi, are very sorry to those who were inconvenienced by today’s events and would like to make it up to you by offering special core cardio class tomorrow, taught by Daisy. We thought others might also appreciate this extra class offering and have decided to open it up for all members who are interested.


Since I have your attention, would you be interested in a 5:30 am class every Thursday at the Studio in Belmont?


I am also considering having a 6:25 am program (M, T, W & Th) at the Studio in Belmont given 5:30 am is getting more interest and 6 am in Belmont is full. You could be done with your workout between 7:10-7:15 am and ready for the day! Would you be interested?


Monday & Wednesday would be total body days and Tuesdays and Thursdays would be core-cardio days. This has worked very well for the evening classes and allowed the campers to take Fridays off.


In April, we will be adding more Saturday Boot Camps @ 9 so that would be a very good weekly schedule.

So, just to recap, there will be a 5:30AM Core/Cardio class tomorrow, taught by Daisy, at Shamp’s Studio in Belmont at 248A Harbor Blvd and is open to all members who wish to attend.


In addition, tomorrow there will be a 7:10 am meet-up trail group at Waterdog Lake in Belmont (Meet at the intersection of Lake and Lyall) and additional core cardio classes at Shamp’s Studio and 6 am, 5:15 pm and 6:10 pm.


Lots of workout options for tomorrow and more to come.


Let me know what you programs work for you.

