Personal Trainer Foster City Boot Camp 8/14/13: Lose Belly Fat with this 6 Station Rotation
3 Phase Warm-Up:
Phase 1: Foundation Mobility Training (5 Min)
*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 30s work time, 5s rest, 6 sets for Phase 2
Phase 2: Core (Perform the following movements for 30s in a circuit with a 5s transition for 2 Sets (Total Time: 3:30)
*3B’s= Draw in belly towards spine, engage bladder muscles and tuck butt
*2B’s= Draw in belly towards spine & engage bladder muscles
1. Plank *3B’s *educate about #5 in ARM
2. V-Ups with Bent Knees (AKA Combo Crunch) *Raise legs higher to make easier *Attempt to touch hands to toes *3 B’s *Tongue on roof of mouth *Look at abdomen/thighs
3. Prone Cobra *Shoulders externally rotated with thumbs up and in towards shoulder blades *Squeeze shoulder blades *Legs on ground *Hold 5s *Look down
Phase 3: Primal Movements: Perform the following movements for 5 reps for 1 Set
1. Forward Lunge *Alt. each side *3B’s *educate about #1
2. Push-Ups *3B’s *Elbows in *educate about #4
3. Lateral Squat *2’B’s *Start with feet togetheràstep to right and squatàstep to left and squat *Hinge from hips *educate about #6
*Review WOD below during Phase 2 & 3 above and assign campers stations for the WOD below. After Phase 3 boot campers immediately transition do wod below. They can get water at any time on their own.
WOD: Perform the following (6 Station) Primary Movements (PM) below for 40s intervals and follow with Active Rest Movement (ARM) for 40s for 3 sets each station, then rotate to next station. All Boot Campers will perform same ARM as a group; however, you can accommodate twice as many campers if half the group does the PM and the other half does ARM. Transition time is 5s between PM & ARM and so they need to move quickly.
*You may need to cut 3rd round of cardio on some stations for time
*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 40s work time, 5s rest, 6 sets, 30s transition time after all 3 sets are complete for PM & ARM, 36 total sets for workout.
PM (40s x 3 Sets):
1. MB Partner Lunge (rt side 20sà lt side 20s) *Make the MB’s challenging *3B’s *This is a forward lunge with a MB handoff *Shoulders back & down
2. Dips *Keep shoulders back & down *Do not engage upper traps *Focus on end range of motion-> extension- hold at the top or 2s
3. Sandbag Sprint (can use medicine ball also) *work with a partner *One person runs and comes back and other person grabs load and does sprint *Goal is speed. *If only going mod. intensity, same person can go for 40s, but go hard if tolerated
4. TRX Chest Press *Lock *Shoulders back & down *3B’s
5. Pull-Ups *Shoulders back & down *Neutral grip
6. Lateral Squat & Jump Tuck *Start with feet togetheràstep to right and squatàperform jump tuckàstep to left and squat and perform jump tuck (touch knees to hands at the end of the squat)*Use beam at gymnastics studio to go under with squat *Use hurdles at studio outside *See video at top
ARM (40s x 3 Sets):
1. Jumping Jacks *Relax heels
2. High Knee Run Drill & Down-Ups (touch ground with chest-not a push-up) *Coach says down *Toes up
3. Lateral Hop (20s each) *Hop right to left with right leg for 20s and switch to left leg *Spread toes *Remember a hop is movement with one leg, jumps are with two legs
4. High Knee Skips *Toes up
5. Plank Alt. Spiderman: *Alt. sides *Lock *3B’s
6. Curtsy Lateral Lunge: *See 5:15 *Alt. sides *3B’s *Knee aligned with 2nd toe
Circle Time: Cool down & stretch (5 minutes)
If you can’t see the video above go to: Boot Camp BLOG
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